Who has the feeling that the Sunbreaker is really lackluster compared to other Subclasses after the HUGE nerf they got?
I rarely see any Sunbreakers in PvP and I played Trials all weekend long and only saw ONE godamn Titan that used the Sunbreaker. Even I, someone who loves the Sunbreaker have to force myself to use Striker in Trials to be competitive. And when I decide to use Sunbreaker in Trials my fireteam look at me like I'm suicidal, and I cant blame them because Sunbreaker is really bad right now, hammers are inconsistent and the neutral game is shit. Even the guys at PlanetDestiny, who once saw the Sunbreaker as an immortal God think that it is too weak in its current state. I even made a video about this.
So sign here if you want Bungie to buff the Sunbreaker a little so its in line with other subclasses and tell how they should buff them (bigger blast radius? Or better neutral game? Or...?)
PlanetDestiny Podcast about Sunbreakers:
My video about Sunbreakers:
Agree. Hammer of Sol's Flameseeker and Forgemaster perks needs buffs to make the super more viable.
Just suncharge...
I don't to be this type of person, but a lot of the problems Sunbreakers have now, are the same Bladedancers have had since the 2.0 patch. This is what I run as a Sunbreaker (and it is quite enjoyable): Incendiary Grenades/Suncharge/Stoke the Forge/Fleeting Fire/Cauterize [b]with exotics Immolation Fist or Empyrean Bellacose[/b]. Whereas the old HammerSpam build was meant to maximize the Super, I think nowadays people need to play off SunBros neutral play, which is average but better than Sith Lords. Since Cauterize and Fleeting Fire activate on "fire kills", it's good to really get the hang of getting kills with your melee and grenade. Stoke the Fire is very much like Overload (Striker) and Incediary Grenade as well leaves behind a burn effect. Major problems with this build? The problem is actually with the Super because Suncharge [b]DOES NOT[/b] have proper hit registering (much like the Arc Blade). I once mauled a guy 3 times in the air with [b]NOT A SINGLE HIT REGISTERING[/b] and I took a shotgun in to the face. Now if I recall, Hammer Throws also have a similar issue. I know the blast radius has decreased, but unless the hammer hits a person directly it seems like even if you are 3ft from the hammer (not that far) you don't get hit. I would equate it the blast radius of Dragon's Breath. I'm not saying THIS is a bad thing, but if you are so close you can touch the hammer, you should die.
The HOS needs a small armor buff and speed buff. The rest of the class is fine.
And voidwalker seriously
Editado por EOL RRF: 2/13/2016 12:07:13 PMI think we're all just mad at how silly immolation fists look. The armor nerf was cool; I'll grumble at cauterize, but okay I get it. But damn, increase the blast radius please. And just personally if surcharge took less super energy would be dope. Then I could use it evade or attack more freely. (maybe exotic boots) (sunspots are also a phenomenal perk) #titanmasterrace Edit: isn't fleetfire neutral game? I would like to see a significant damage buff to hammers in pve only (but that's most supers) and a burst buff to thermite grenades (the other two are fire ;)
Use suncharge. It's really -blam!-ing good
Learn to adapt man Sunbreaker is still an option. Also sun charge is your best option in pvp
Editado por PowerPoint2020: 2/12/2016 1:59:51 AMI'm a Hunter main..I feel as if Sunbreakers were hit too hard. I didn't see HoS as OP back then, I was able to take them on. But it would be amazing to see variety in Crucible aside from Strikers in every match.
Don't use hammers as a sunbreaker use the shoulder charge it's insane if you use that
Bungie: Makes subclass based entirely around the super then they nerf super into oblivion. Bungie Logic
they relevant
Bungie pls
The Fitness Gram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets harder as it continues.
Sunbreaker is perfectly relevant, just a little injured. If anything is irrelevant, it's voidwalker. Very rare to see one nowadays.
Sure buff sunbreaker but they have to buff blade dancer first..
Sunbreakers are relevant. Here's a post nerf montage I made to prove it. They just take a certain finesse is all.
Surprising that directly after the nerf, sunbreakers worked fine, but only afterwards apparently they were over- nerfed.
Signed. ~ A Hidden Friend, A Warlock.
~ El Pollo Bandito
It is. I use it when playing as Titan and have no problem getting 4-5 kills with it every time.
Yes please
Sunbreakers seriously need to be brought back http://xboxclips.com/TGS+WHITECHAPEL/1cca61c4-f95a-4132-a3ef-b24e1b9813f4
The super is still really good IMO but the neutral game is pretty garbage.
Petition to nerf the nerfers and unbuff the buffers...