Thanks to bungie and destiny for a great experience! I bought Destiny day1 for me and my bro. He was never really good at PvP and was discouraged by the harsh environment that can sometimes be associated with PvP. So when crimson double came around I was able to go in one on one and help train and instill basic tactics in him without anyone else judgment. We started the week on Tuesday and could win any matches. We push on lost about 12-15 on day one, but saw some improvement on his skill. Day two we started wining rounds and he started to gain confidence. Amazingly on day three and four he was doing spectacular I would go down he would pop his super and take the double kill for the win, and we started to win games. We've got to the point where we were winning multiple matches in a row got tactics down and won match 5-1, we were coming back from 3 down to tie matches and the taking the win due courageous acts upon his part. Thank you bungie and the teams working on destiny. A large shout out to my bro ETERNITYONFIREX way to go next on to iron banner!
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