I personally am torn between Pulp Fiction and Shawshank Redemption. Both are powerful and amazing in every way, from the script to the acting and the pacing they are masterpieces, but I want to hear what offtopic thinks.
Pokemon the movie
Rubber[spoiler]not really[/spoiler]
James and the Giant Peach
Bladerunner The Godfather Pulp Fiction Schindler's List There Will Be Blood Apocalypse Now Saving Private Ryan Rocky Taxi Driver The Deer Hunter The French Connection Fargo The Big Lebowski Jaws The Princess Bride The Shining Whiplash
Star Wars: Episode 1
Editado por Moon Made Waves: 4/14/2016 12:49:46 AMThe Godfather is a piece of art. I understand most are young here but for christ's sake why only 4%?
Star wars holiday special
Editado por Servanious: 4/13/2016 4:59:31 PM1. Every Monty Python movie out there. 2. SpaceBalls 3. Transformers: The Movie (Not the Michael Bay version) 4. We Were Soldiers Once 5. Airplane!
Star Wars Episode I: Attack of the Clones
Editado por AwesomObot: 4/13/2016 4:48:55 PMMonty Phyton's Life of Brian
The room
Editado por gethyn007: 4/12/2016 6:11:13 PMgethyn007
Back again - antiguos
#1 Independence Day Other top favs: Labyrinth Goonies The Exorcist Lord of the Rings (all) Harry Potter (first two, but esp. 2) The Burbs Dragonslayer Back to the Future Alien (1 and 2) Conan the Barbarian Neverending Story Legend Wizard of Oz Pirates of the Caribbean and a handful of super hero movies - like the Spider-man movies with Tobey Maguire and Avengers -
The Deer Hunter Jackie Brown Godfather part 2 Goodfellas Casino Taxi Driver Raging Bull Wow I really like De Niro
Editado por AENIMA: 4/13/2016 6:09:23 AM[i]Any movie from the Rocky franchise.[/i]
Matando Cabos
Mad Max: Fury Road James Cameron's: Avatar Inception
Forrest Gump
E.T, Pulp Fiction, or Kill Bill
Inception and the secret life of Walter Mitty
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
1.) Interstellar 2.) 2001 A Space Odyssey 3.) Lord of the Rings Trilogy (I look at them as more of one long movie rather than 3 separate films) 4.) Shawshank Redemption 5.) Saving Private Ryan 6.) Jurassic Park 7.) The Departed 8.) Fight Club 9.) Monty Python and the Holy Grail 10.) Back to the Future
Truman show, pulp fiction, and Tommy boy
God's Not Dead. [spoiler]I will now injest a large cup of bleach.[/spoiler]
Pulp fiction Donnie Darko Full Metal Jacket