So....why didn't we get taken versions of Lord, Queenbreaker's, and Promise?
Good Idea
Bad Idea
Just imagine having taken versions of these that had Different elements and Abilities.
I think it would have been pretty cool personally.
Came up with some names for them as well.
Blight of Lupi (Taken Lord of Wolves)-References the Wolves namesake as well as referencing the fact that brightest celestial body has been tainted by the darkness.
Remembrance's Remains (Taken Dreg's promise)- Referencing the fact that the dreg was taken, and now all that this all that remains of his Promise.
Starsurger's Ballista (Taken Queenbreaker's Bow)- Referencing the fact that the weapon is solar based, therefore the energy for the weapon comes from the stars and showing how now, with the power of the taken, the weapon is no longer a mere bow, but a powerful Ballista.
Can't really think of any abilities or what changes there should be other than elements, but still thought this was a good start.
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