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Editado por superassassin364: 4/27/2016 1:15:13 AM

Respect is earned, not deserved.

You see, I have no reason to treat you with any kind of decency until I am given a reason to. So until you do, I am entitled to treat you like shit by default. I still expect you to respect the hell outta me just because I'm a soldier who fought for your country, take my word for it because you should totally believe strangers on the internet. If you don't, you're a scumbag. Now, get suckin, ya bleeding heart liberal degenerates.[spoiler]edit: now that the b8 is out of the way, I'd like to share my honest two cents on this saying. What annoys me in particular about this idea is that many people just apply this to other people instead of themselves as well. I've come across assholes both online and in real life who use this view on respect to justify disrespecting others by default. These idiots don't realize that if they don't treat others half decently, they shouldn't expect respect from them in return. Another annoyance regarding how people view respect is how people demand respect from others over mere claims they make on the internet with no evidence to back those claims up. As a maker of those claims, regardless of whether they are true or not, don't go demanding respect from people on the internet because of them. As a reader, such claims can either be true or full of crap like mine, but if they are believable, its ok to give respect to them. As long as you aren't gullible Basically, treat others as you want to be treated unless they give you a good reason not to. And being so demanding of respect won't earn you mine. [/spoiler] [spoiler]edit 2: Ok, I kinda regret taking the bait that far now. The original purpose of the bait was to show how much people can be huge jerks when they not onl actually think and act this way, but mock our soldiers and try to deceive people into thinking they're soldiers just to get some special treatment. But I probably should have spoken out against them without falsely claiming to a soldier myself to satirize those liars. And for that, I apologize, especially to our real veterans. I just wanted to prove my point about this view of respect and the people who lie about being vets, but I shouldn't have been a jerk about it. [/spoiler]

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