Zero SpadeZ
PLZ like this post it will help us a lot.!
We are a Xbox one and xbox 360 sniping clan called Zero SpadeZ we dont strictly focus on sniping or Pvp we also do not care about your light level just be good. We will have clan updates every Sunday and clan tryouts on Saturdays unless its personally rearrange with on of the admins. We expect you to be very loyal and respectable in our clan we do not tolerate ragers or inactive members.
clan tryouts are not always needed sometimes your gear or stats says it all.
here are some clips you can look at, at our YouTube channel ;
A warnig will appear saying You’re about to leave
And we’re not responsible for what you’re about to see. It could be photos of your mom for all we know... ( I promis YOU its SAFE )
Requirements for joining;
1. Must have mic or must get one soon( if u had one then ur good but try 2 get 1 still)
2. Must check in on clan page as often as you can
3. Can not be an unreasonable rager
4. Have fun and dont be shy to communicate,
5.when joining the clan you must have clan tag under your Gt.
destiny SJC 123[ Founder]
DJMAX100 {co-Founder}
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