publicado originalmente en:Vape Naysh
Vape. A simple but powerful word. In today's world, vaping is everywhere. Vape headquarters and Vape shops are opening up all around. But is vaping truly a healthy alternative to smoking?
Vaping is in fact incredibly healthy. The chemicals found inside e-juice(s) do not harm the human body and have been revealed to be potential substitutes for medicines.
I'm kidding. Or?
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vape naysh yall
Just smoke meth out a water bong. Blow huge clouds and be productive.
I have never had a harder time breathing than those 6 months I had an e cig attached at the lips. Gaping is not healthy, and there has only been minimal studies done to prove what they are actually doing to your body. One thing is for sure. They do cause DNA degradation in those epithelial cells that line your throat and lungs.
I don't think it's been clinically proven, kinda like long-term health effects from eating non-organic foods or multivitamins.
I prefer a light beverage consisting of 20% Capri sun and 10% red bull and 70% bong water [spoiler]nyeeeeezzzz[/spoiler] [spoiler] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]
It's not healthy it's just healthier
I vape tuna
Not enough evidence/studies done on vaping to even know.
Get out.
What game is Vape??
Atm it's considered to be healthi[b][i][u]er[/u][/i][/b]. But then again, that's not saying much.
So popcorn lung... the diacetyl scare.... that was all just a myth?
Ha, this is funny.
First off vaping isn't a safe alternative to smoking. Quitting is the only safe alternative to smoking or tobbaco products. This also belongs in #offtopic