0:25 Wretched Knight (Hive)
07:14- Seditious Mind (Taken Vex)
16:04 - Keksis, The Betrayed (Taken Fallen)
Modifiers are: Precision Kill Bonus along with Small Arms and Berserk.
This week isnt that bad honestly, the goal here would be to do your full sigil in 2 runs. Bring a scout rifle you feel comfortable with and you can do very well. I would watch things like hung jury with firefly because you may get kill you don't intent and lose out on some points. Actually the recent iron banner scout rifle, Colovance's Duty hits hard enough to single precision shot the vandals on round 3 which can help with a lot of time.
So the first round is against the Wretched Knight. He really isn't that bad, mostly just a boomer for his attack. If you do most of your add killing from the entrance door you don't need to even worry about the blight bombs he casts around the rim of the map. If you are running around the outside watch out for those. Get the two wizards and the rest of the enemies tend to come to you after that.
The Second room is the Seditious Mind. The main this the boss will do besides fire at you as a Hydra would, is put the red ring on the ground that will eventually detonate so avoid standing in that. I like to stay on the right hand side in those tunnels. Nothing spawns behind you and if you focus the hobgoblins first, the goblins should go down pretty quick.
Finally you have Keksis, and its an easier week for him. You don't need ability kills so you don't need to worry quite as much about his suppression bomb. A strong scout again will help with the vandals dying before they pop a shield which will work against you for the time deductions. Watch the solar snipers 2 sets of 3 i think they hurt quite a bit so find those quickly each round.
Should be a nice scoring week everyone so good luck.
Good luck and check me out at:
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/ebontis
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Ebontis
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