Because I know that someone on my team will go take Zone A and flip our spawn. EVERY -blam!-ING TIME. Even when we control both B and C, they will go take A.
And if the enemy starts taking C, causing the spawn to flip, the randoms won't do the smart thing and go fight to take it back. Hell no. Too much work. They'll go over to the unoccupied and undefended Zone A and proudly take it. Sometimes they'll dance, the morons. It never occurs to them that there's a REASON it's undefended: the other team is BEGGING YOU to go take it.
A Control match on Shores of Time, between 2 teams that both know what they're doing, will revolve around taking zones B and C. The only time ANYONE will take A is when Bravo takes it as their first zone. After that, there is NO reason whatsoever to ever see any announcement regarding Zone A. NONE. WHATSOEVER. I don't care if you lost all your zones; go take B or C. DON'T take A. It just makes things worse.
My name is Dog of War and I approved this message.
Why do people always complain about this? It's not going to change anything. If you have such a problem with it then make up a team... If you are playing Solo there's nothing you can do, most of the people in game DON'T even use the forums. C side is better yes but it's honestly not that hard to take C base. I feel I win just as much as on either side I spawn on
How to win Control. Capture 2 zones. Hold 2 zones. [b]DO NOT[/b] push into enemy spawn to get kills/capture 3rd zone.
Serial cappers FTW
At least you get teammates that play the objective. :l
When I see "Shores of Time" I think of all the fun I had in the beta & vanilla and how much fun PvP was.
I will cap it if we don't have 2 zones. What are you going to do about it? Yell at me? lmao good teams win regardless of the zones they cap. Stop crying. One zone is better than nothing.
You can literally pinpoint the moment which makes for team lose.
How about at the start of the match you run to B flag and see 5 others run for A flag. We know how this match ends.
I always take it just to make babies like you cry about. You guys get so upset over nothing its hilarious.
For the love of crap........ wtf
i dont think u understand why u take zones, u get a point bonus for kills making it easier to win
Someone never played Halo
For the most part I agree. But in ib with a lot of randoms playing and the spawn is already flipped you have to cap and then fight for either b or c...I've done it and it can turn the game around
If the enemy controls both b and c you will spawn there anyways.
I so it bc when I play I'm out of control and just running and running if I die I immediately start running again towards nearest uncapped flag
I've been using jade every time on this map...lots of things annoy me from players on this map but I just deal w it I guess...I hear ya though
I mean, if your whole team caps it you'll get lots of free points. It depends sometimes.
Played with a fireteam earlier and every time we had this map we made it a point to win with A/B or A/C. So many predictable plebs camp B. The issue isn't zone locations. It's the teams or randoms you play with.
Taking the GAME a bit to serious
For the love of crap. Dirka Dirka Muhammad Jihad
If you aren't going for total domination you're a bitch. Fact!
It's pretty rare I get a team that knows what they are doing. It gets pretty annoying when you're up a few thousand points and cruising along when some noob goes for A, flips the spawn, and you end up losing. People that constantly spawn flip on maps like Bannerfall or Black Shield are just as bad. They run around the map trying to get kills, flipping the spawn, and never capping a point.
I dont pay much attention to a or c, just to see where enemies come from. I focus mainly on b. You can usually hold the map down if you get b. Holding the high ground is the way to win on that map. (Imo, but im shit at pvp)
Editado por SpakulatorX: 7/25/2016 8:22:18 PMWhen someone grabs heavy when I'm running towards it, I will cap a and turns the spawns. Than I will sit at a to make sure we keep it. Be prepared to lose...
This. Every time I spawn on A I yell at my TV! I don't think most people really understand though... So I just duck and run to cap B/C and try not to rage about it.