I was thinking about steak today, as I sometimes do, and it occurred to me that I've never actually met a single person who eats steak well done.
This got me wondering: Does anyone here actually eat steak well-done? If so, why? Have you ever tried it any other way?
Editado por morbidinfant: 8/7/2016 3:52:10 PMFor my old man who love drinking tea, British people's tea, aka mixture of black tea, milk and sugar, is extremely offensive, just like u westerners won't eat well done steak, my father won't drink tea with any additional substances. Actually in our culture, we refer to people who eat raw or rare meat as savage, and there's a specific term for that.Although we have this cultural "thing" I would never call people from other countries savage for ordering rare steak. Moral of the story: Just don't judge.