This is not a rant. Just a helper for guardians to keep it fun in the forge. I am listing some simple etiquettes that worked for 3-8 man forge last night.
- Revive your fellow guardians as soon as possible.
- Use your offerings whenever you can. It gives you good rewards.
- Use a splicer key to respawn and get in if you die just below a perfected stationary boss like servitor
- Wave after end of round to say you are leaving so next guy can decide if he wants to use his perfected offering
- Don't be an axe hog
- Don't camp. Spread out
- If you need a break, get out of froge near the key terminal or some place safe so that u r in the map and ppl don't waste time reviving u. Keep dancing until u r back.
- If you see a fellow guardian engage his super, let them get the kills (especially the majors) so they can make orbs for everyone. (thx @Gunslinger1999)
We followed these etiquettes and all 8 of us managed to get good drops and engrams. I got my first But Not Forgotten sniper too. We were all between 350-370 so it was a blast.
Happy hunting!
Bump if you agree or add more rules if u like.
What's pissing me off, is seeing people that camp and hide the entire fight, only to get rewarded over and over without using an offering or killing a single add. I had 5 in there last night, used my perfected offering, and 2 of them ran to the back and hid the whole time. There is 0 etiquette when it comes to easy rewards.
disagree about axe hog. I have done SO MANY forges, yet it is amazing to me how many people STILL do not know that when ghost says: "uh oh the Fallen are up to something" and you hear that beep, to look for one of the outer domes to open. shoot the siva, then run to the other dome to get axes. Sorry, but I am not running back and forth, killing siva to open up the axes for other people! I mean 8 people in the forge and only I know this?
Can the offerings overlap? I used a perfected when it looked like no one was going to use one it didn't load immediately someone used a lower one and theirs replaced mine
Rewards aren't good. Done forge so many times only to get hundreds of bonds and boots and 1 sniper that's terrible.
Depends what you consider good rewards. The only thing decent is the engrams I can use to level up cryptarch
Please use your supers. Having the ability to chain supers makes things so much more easier than they currently are.
100% agreed. Big Bump! Last night we wasted a higher end event because 2 folks would not revive others. I was out of splicer keys and it seems like the others had the same problem. Note: I just wish Siva Offerings would drop more often.
Please add: If you die while holding a relic/axe re spawn and use a splicer key. So many times I've tried to revive a teammate only to keep picking up an infinite loop of relics/axes.
If someone dies holding an axe, I pick up the axe, which seems to be inevitable, revive them, and drop the axe in case they want to use it again.
Always enter with a stock of Splicer Keys.
[quote]Don't be an axe hog[/quote] Yeah right, like kittimu will pass up an axe
Editado por AdligerAdler: 10/17/2016 7:34:22 PMWhen you notice someone picked up a perfected offering (message appears on the left side of your screen) and you only have a green or blue one, AND you feel like there are enough players in order to get a perfected offering done, don't go to the console to insert your lower tier offering. Unless it seems the player with the perfected offering doesn't want to insert it. Perfected offerings are much more fun, are better to complete Iron Lord bounties and, depending on the boss, can drop exotic engrams.
I didn't realize until yesterday afternoon I can open up the gate with a splicer key. I've run at least 100 forges----duh moment for sure. Everything else is spot on especially the AFK oh yeah and don't everyone bail after a perfect drop 😆
well it seems i have Etiquettes then. i do everything except for 7. i never take a break. grinding for that perfect but not forgotten denies me that pleasure, but i finally got one.
Also a good proper etiquette is to hold off on putting in ur fused offering and wait to see if someone has a better one like enhanced or perfected. But everyone is starring at the terminal then go ahead and put in ur fused offering
You forgot one
Helpful tip that has nothing to do with etiquette. If you see a clear engram drop, don't pick it up. More will drop if you don't have one in your inventory. Offerings also drop after completing an offering, so if you never pick one up you could just keep getting them to drop from the completion.
One addition. Don't blow up exploder shanks when they are next to teammates. There are some good ways to deal with them. Energy based attacks can disintegrate them without exploding. Fusion rifles are great for this as well as most charged melees. I've been running stoke the forge on my sunbreaker which recharges my melee on melee kills. It's a fantastic way of dealing with them and some other low tier enemies and makes for some good heals with cauterize.
Iron forge? Never been to iron forge befor
I run defender and drop a WoL in between the two platforms when ever possible
DONT [i]always[/i] save your super for the boss. If you see a decently sized group of adds, use it on them. If your teammates do the same, you'll have your supers for the boss because you'll all make orbs for each other.
Or... Don't be a Dumbass and get near the servitor. He has a slam melee. Axes do damage at a distance. I've seen so many idiots try to axe melee him and get wiped.
Here's a good one: use your supers liberally, especially if you see dozens of orbs on the map! It's also a good idea to save a couple orbs on the map in case you need a quick heal!
If a Defender pops a bubble, use the buff!
I have a fab time in there usually but some moron the other day plonked in a perfected servitor, died and respawned before I could resurrect him and then went to orbit. Which left me - as a 352 hunter - by myself. It didn't end well for me. I'm a good titan, an adequate warlock but a terrible hunter. 😉 Good rules. I do what I can (and if that means cracking a Super to clear adds and revive you, so be it). Hope to fight alongside some of you soon!