I made a post about this topic recently and I've decided to make another one to get a couple more opinions about this issue or maybe a way to fix this. I have been playing with sun singer a bit in PvE and just trying out different character builds. I wanted to purchase the Sunbreaker Gauntlets from the Kiosk to try them out. I had the Sunsinger gauntlets all the way up to TTK and I'm pretty sure I had them at on point or another in TTK. But when I go to the Exotic Armor Kiosk, my year 2 / year 3 copy of the gauntlets are unavailable to purchase with Legendary Marks or an Exotic Shard etc. So I decided to purchase the year 1 version so the year 2 version is "Discovered". However when I go to my year 1 page, the gauntlets are there and discovered and it says I can purchase them with glimmer and a shard, but when I try to buy them, it says "Requires Discovery" I definitely had the gauntlets in year 1 and so I shouldn't have to discover them again. Is there a fix or do I need to just wait until Bungie fixes another one of their many glitches/problems?
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