Post a "Would you rather?" question in the comments and people will answer your question. This has some potential for fun. Try to keep the questions within the boundaries of the CoC so this thread can stay open.
Would you rather be telepathic or telekinetic? [spoiler]The luckiest seven you will ever meet[/spoiler]
Would you rather be stuck in a room for a day with Metal music being played at eardrum-smashing volume or be stuck in the world's quietest room for a day?
Would you rather play borderlands or halo
Would you rather cut off your hands, or cut off your penis?
Would you rather: Be gay for a day (or straight is you are gay) Or Go into a coma for 1/2 a year
Would you rather be blind of deaf?
Editado por PingedHat4504: 12/19/2024 1:10:07 AM
I stole this one. Would you rather have teeth for pubic hair? Or pubic hair for teeth? (This one shouldn't be tooo hard...)
Would you rather eat browniea or cake?
Would you rather ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡°) ?
A gun is held to your head. Would you rather be gay or die.
Editado por jzx90chaser: 2/13/2017 6:56:19 PMWould you rather have your console or pc taken away for 10 years, and no buying new ones (whatever you play games on) or get paid just about enough to survive, with no luxuries, literally food, clothes, home, nothing else (also for 10 years) [spoiler]loopholes covered? [/spoiler]
Would you rather; Have Cheeto fingers the rest of your life; Or have a popcorn kernel stuck in the back of your throat for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be coated in boiling gold or digested?
Slav or Western Spy
Would you rather smell like poop and not know it, or constantly be smelling poop that no one else can smell? [spoiler]There is no escape, either. Nothing will help the odor go away from both options. [/spoiler]
Would you rather have permanent clown face; Or wear permanent clown clothes?
I guess the #Offtopic is only interested in b8 political threads.