Does anyone know why is it god dam hard for a warsat to spawn in Mars. I've been trying for the last 2 weeks, the only thing that is missing for my sleeper.
It finally spawned in Buried city 👌🏻
Anyone wanna party up to try and find a Warsat on Mars? Hit me up on Xbox Live. My gamertag is Norman Red Cap. Gotta get this B.S. done. Been sitting on this for like a month now. Ridiculous...
Send an invite if anyone gets a warsat please! GT: RomanorumDeus Thank you in advance!
Editado por Astro Umi: 4/10/2017 12:46:53 PMYesterday I was doing a glitch and a WarSat crashed and I completely ignored it.
Editado por TRDoug: 4/9/2017 12:45:05 PMIt can take up to a week or more. If you have friends willing to help you out.....get into a party chat but not the same fireteam. You each select Mars patrol from the director so you're all on Mars but different ones. Stay in the first area and when one of you gets a warsat.......join on that player.
Would it piss you off if I said the last time I spawned into mars patrol there was a warsat in the starting area?
Helps if you kill things while waiting best places are where the vex and cabal are fighting or where the vex are on there own.
It took me a week- have fun
Have you been using the public event timer app? It's not 100% accurate but it's better than running around hoping one will spawn.
Took me two days just plain lame