publicado originalmente en:Vault Raiders
So here's how we are gonna buff those raid exotic weapons, ready? Let’s go!
Okay, Vex Mythoclast, fist off why doesn't it have Oracle Disruptor? Let’s get that on there.
Second, terrible stability and range, let’s get those up.
Third, ammo problem. We could just add more reserve ammo, but this is the VEX MYTHOCLAST it deserves better than that! We are gonna give it a perk that lets it take ammo from the FUTURE!!! Boom, regening ammo from the future.
Vex Mythoclast: FIXED
Onto the Necrocasm. It’s pretty okay at the moment, blows people up when you kill them, but come on it should be the ultimate weapon against the Hive. Let’s add Hive Disruptor for more damage against majors. Yes that’s a good start….
I know! Let’s also throw on Lich Bane and Dark Breaker to make Wizards and Knights less annoying.
I think that should sufficiently trivialise fighting the Hive, good show!
Necrocasm: FIXED
Now I know it’s not a Raid Weapon, but here me out. Prison of Elders was end game content for a while and it’s poster child was the Lord of Wolves, so let’s just do something for it before we move along.
Possibly the simplest fix ever. Give it every single one of the perks from the prison that could effect Fallen Captains, after all they should be shocked that you are using their own weapon against them! I’m talking: Disciplinarian, Demotion, and Mutineer! Or in lay mans terms: bonus damage, stun, and suppression of abilities.
Lord of Wolves: FIXED
Time to give the Touch of Malice some love. Firstly it should deal bonus damage to taken. Nuff said.
Secondly what’s this about it healing you after 3 rapid kills? No way man, if it’s actively killing me it should heal me a bit after EVERY kill!
Also more stability!
Also I’m not of the opinion that it should fire purple bullets, so how about instead when you get a critical kill there’s a 100% chance that the enemy explodes into A WIZARDS’ CLOUD OF DARKNESS!!!!! Boom Necrocasm MKII. Fun times every time.
Touch of Malice: FIXED
Finally let’s look at Outbreak Prime! What does SIVA do? Its replicates, fixes things, builds stuff. The gun is called the Outbreak [u]PRIME[/u], so let’s prime it up to 11!
We are gonna fix it by building a perk, and we are gonna call it the ‘SIVA Replicator’, and what it’s going to do is replicate every other perk on all the other Wrath of the Machine weapons. Boom. I hope I just blew your mind with that one.
I’m talking Wirlwinds Curse, Focused fire, Focused Firefly, Reactive Reload, Quick Reaction, Full auto, Sign of four (somehow), Triple Tap, Triple Double, Battle Runner, Running interference, Army of One, Two for One, Spray and Play, Wait for It.
TALK ABOUT OVERPOWERED! Mission accomplished.
Outbreak Prime: FIXED
I hope you enjoyed this; these are just my opinions on how epically overpowered the Raid Exotics should be. Feel free to leave a comment saying if you agree with me or with what you would fix differently, because if we can all agree on something, its that these weapons need fixing!
Okay, I hear you, maybe we Over-Primed the Prime. Let’s bring it back down to 10.99.
You want to speed up the ‘The Corruption Spreads’ perk? We can do that, done, more nanites. 'Virulence' has too much of a cool-down? Poof. Cool-down gone. But we can’t just stop there, this is a Raid Exotic, it needs something hype.
Let me get real for a second. How about in place of the Virulence perk we have our ‘SIVA Replicator’ node. When you select it a new window opens showing a wheel of perks set out like the Yr 1 Moments of Triumph emblem. In the middle of this wheel, permanently active, is the Virulence perk. Then around the rim are all the other perks I listed previously.
Then let’s say you can select a couple, how about 2-3, of these perks to activate. Great! Now we have a unique, customisable, OP weapon that offers a lot of experimentation!
EDIT 2: Just added the little bit about the Virulence perks cool down into the addendum.
Outbreak prime needs to do solar damage. It doesn't make sense that the fallen siva weapons deal solar damage and ours doesn't.
Ok how about no
Not sure of serious or satire.....hmmmm
This entire post just made me a little more dumb. The game would not be fun if you buffed everything and gave weapons ridiculous perks. Yes, the nerfs Destiny has done are do to trials players whining, and have ruined the PvE aspect for the most part, but making exotic weapons extremely OP, is not how you fix that.
I think all primarys should have unlimited ammo. They are primarys after all.
Editado por ABackSeatDriver: 4/22/2017 8:13:31 AMNecrocasim: suppresses hive wizards and can penetrate hive knights' shields. Poisons like Thorn. When an enemy is killed they explode and if that explosion kills another enemy they explode and so on. Necrocasim refills it's clip after a kill. Change the Necrocasim's flavor text to "I HUNGER!" Touch of Malice: hits give back a small amount of health and kills trigger health regen. Each hit charges the weapon with taken energy and once full ToM replaces the guardian's melee charge with one of 5 random taken abilities; taken captain darkness ball, taken acolyte acolyte's eye, taken knight fire jets, taken phalanx shield blast, or taken centurion axion dart. The charge lasts until used or another weapon is equipped.
Editado por DHunterMG: 4/23/2017 8:07:22 AMI WISH Bungie did that, but they live in fear of making Destiny fun to play. In addition to this I wanted to make this "new" exotic adept weapons be "worth" of their exotic slot, a part from their burn damage. [spoiler]I don't think that a burn element it's enough reason to make a weapon exotic in the first place[/spoiler] VoG weapons: Remember NTTE? Well, instead of guaranteed 100% it'll be about 25% of returning a bullet to the mag FOR FREE M8s. Adding to this every critical kill will insta-reload the mag from the reserves. DON'T STOP THE SHOOTING! ALSO they will get Counterbalance as a hidden intrinsic perk. TAKE THAT, STABILITY! CE weapons: I don't own any of these yet but I guess they can... I dunno... TURN T1 ENEMIES INTO TEMPORARY ALLIES (like that one artifact but with what would be a critical kill instead of melee kill). Yeah, you can now have your army of little thralls (that explode like cursed thralls upon timer runs out) to kill other thralls. In case of T2 and T3 enemies instead of temporary allies it will make them explode (much like Necrochasm) and will GUARANTEED TOTALLY FREE drop a heavy ammo brick. Don't let Hunger of crota be hungry! In addition to this they will all have Third eye as a hidden intrinsic perk (with the upgraded minimap too)! BECAUSE THE HIVE HAVE 3 EYES! IT'S FITTING. KF weapons: Ammo problem much? When stowed away (and cocoon procks) they regen ammo every 5 seconds (half a mag, but they reload in the first 5 when cocoon procks) AND if stowing them away it's not your jam they will also get doubled reload speed FOR FREE (Zaouli's Bane exotic gets tripled reload speed and legendary doubled reload speed), NO PERKS/STRANGE COINS NEEDED. Talk about ammo starving and reload problems! SCREW YOU SLOW RELOAD TIME AND GIMMICKY WEAPON PERKS! They will get ALSO FOR FREE extended mag and field scout as a hidden intrinsic perk, so reloading will be less of a thing and it's almost imposible to run out of ammo! WotM weapons: Outbreak prime can create siva nanites? THESE CAN TOO, AND WITH THEIR ELEMENT. SCREW YOU OP. Now all adept versions of WotM primaries will spawn nanites of their respective element once hitting constantly an enemy. AND THAT'S NOT ALL, they will also get SURPLUS FOR FREE AS A HIDDEN INTRINSIC PERK because it's the top tier anti-ammo starving perk and works with all weapons equipped on ammo quantity. 2-3 ammo bricks and you're full of it. Bye bye ammo synths! (for the most part). I'll be honest, I only had thought out the KF weapons one, the other I did on the run while writting this but I think that with this improvemets they would become worthy of being called "exotic" and pretty fun to play with, so they would be totally desirable. I would enjoy much more this raid adept primaries if they where like this, and I would carry them instead of their legendary counterparts. Edit: Added the Third eye (with upgraded minimap) perk to CE weapons. Edit 2: Added counterbalance to VoG weapons. Added extended mag and field scout (OG field scout) to KF weapons.
No weapon should be Op, no matter how hard to get. That's the kind of stuff that breaks the game because then the nerf trains start coming.
Outbreak was one of the better raid exclusives Necro and vex got screwed royally and would be good to see a lot of these guns bugged and useable again. Especially the oracle disruptor perk on the vex
They just shouldn't be exotic... they should stay legendary and keep their burns.
All Exotics should be OP period. I don't care where they come from. The NerfHerders made sure they are garbage which is sad.
Exotic weapons should be op. Otherwise there is no rhyme or reason to only be able to equip one weapon and one piece of armor. Exotics used to be cool and much sought after pieces of gear until bungie decided they should only "feel" op, but actually be no better than legendaries. I would like to think they will remedy this for D2, but after several years of bullshit, I can't realistically expect much.
TL;DR. I read the one on Outbreak Prime, and it's a neat idea.
Exotic means unique, not OP
Why everyone want to buff TOM is forgetting red death? And if you put lord of wolves here you should also put queen break bow and dregs promise but if you ask me they all are in good spot. [spoiler] nice post [/spoiler]
Editado por Toshibo187: 4/21/2017 8:30:27 PMFor the vex: Surplus as a build in perk and more reserve ammo or at least increase ammo when we have gear with more fusion ammo or new perk similar like performance bonus but better: kills grands a small amount of reserve ammo( every kill gives 20% of a magazine) Prime: give it a or void to fighting the siva captains better Malice: every kill grands Health not every 3 kills Necrochasm: give the gun hive disrupter Sorry for bad English
Editado por Droid: 4/22/2017 7:28:50 PMThese ideas are too good. [b]WALL![/b] Also, if OBP is going to cycle, the name should be siva cycle.
I really love all of these, but um... Let chill out with outbreak prime there lol... To make it a more realistic boss damage weapon I think it should have whirlwinds curse, triple double, maaaaybe wait for it? And reduced cool down with its headshot perk
Awesome. I think Mythoclast should regen it's reserve ammo while it pulls ammo from it's reserve while having the chance to return ammo to it's clip after hitting an enemy and missing shots have the same chance with critical hits returns ammo to the clip. Then for added sh*ts'n giggles have the Mythoclast's shots over penetrate targets and bounce off of hard surfaces up to 5 times.
Awesome. I think Mythoclast should regen it's reserve ammo while it pulls ammo from it's reserve while having the chance to return ammo to it's clip after hitting an enemy and missing shots have the same chance with critical hits returns ammo to the clip. Then for added sh*ts'n giggles have the Mythoclast's shots over penetrate targets and bounce off of hard surfaces up to 5 times.
Raid weapons are O.P. Outlandishly Poor!!!!!
I like the idea of all of these, but that's way too many perks for the Outbreak Prime.
Most of them are fine as is. But they do t need to be OP. Then we're back at yr1 G-horn all over again with "must have xxxx." No thanks. Plus on top of that why do all these kids now days want everything to be easy mode?
Editado por Shade: 4/21/2017 6:07:41 PMFor malice, instead of the wizard cloud of darkness, it should be an explosion from one of those taken mines that just spawn on certain strikes and missions. As for outbreak, It is not necessary that it gets all of those perks. At most, the perk where it you're constantly shooting something and the nanites spawn, I say each time that happens in a short amount of time, the nanites should be increasing in damage as time goes on, but then if you stop shooting for a good 7 seconds, the nanites go back to base damage. I thought Siva was deadly if used correctly? If Shiro and Banshee worked together on that, it would be upgraded in no time lol.
Jesus please I like these ideas.