Why is this board censored and ignorant to important irl topics and why is it because CNN pays Bungie to support the far left and it's liberal bullshit.
It is sad to say, but your joke is a real thing now.
Cocaine Is a helluva drug friend
Welcome to the real world buddy.
This board is censored because it's a destiny forum, for people who play destiny, that age group is 13+ or so. Which means mature content, strong language, and sexual imagry is not acceptable behavior here. Not because CNN pays bungie to censor stuff. If you're being disrespectful or causing a disruption, a.k.a. not "playing nice" you're up for a ban.
You might have noticed Bungie was on that list of companies or whatever that was "With Her". That should tell you just about everything you need to know right there.
Jet fuel can't JFK the moon landing, am I right?
Feelings man FEELINGS!
Its bungies forum, they can decide what goes and stays. Simple as that.
Editado por pyre: 7/8/2017 10:26:32 PMIt's censored because it's designed for 13-year-olds. Stop. This is ridiculous.
Que.. what?
Do you even know who the President is or what year? I think you cracked more than your head.
[quote]Why is this board censored and ignorant to important irl topics and why is it because CNN pays Bungie to support the far left and it's liberal bullshit.[/quote] Dude what?