Fellow Guardians,
We're two, near fluently English speaking, Dutch guys. Because our friendbase in Destiny 2 on Xbox live isn't as big as we would like, we think this is the perfect way to expend our friendbase and to be able to play Destiny 2 with other people at all times.
We're the clan that focusses on all aspects of the game, as long as we can join in the action together. We want to be a gaming community in which people can connect, make friends and eventually dominate the world of Destiny 2. The only people we want, are the ones with a positive and friendly attitude. There's no further requirements to join our clan, as long as your goal is to have fun and dominate the world with us!
Check our link if you're interested in joining our clan and building our way to the top:
- https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2415026
See you @the Farm
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