PLEASE READ. Seriously Feeling like Fireteam Medallions do ABSOLUTELY nothing... *UPDATED*
I was under the impression that fireteam medallions are supposed to boost XP as well as drops for you and your fireteam... iv used about 3 of them now and do not notice even the SLIGHTEST difference in both drop rates or XP Gainz me and my fireteam have even tried activating our medallions at the same time and find ourselves grinding it out for the four hours it lasts and still only obtain 1 bright engram out of it....which is literally the exact same amount as playing for that same time and still only getting 1 bright engram, medallion or not... this is BS...
Anybody else notice this?
UPDATE: Apparently this is a bigger problem then i originally thought. It doesnt even stack and the article i just posted brings up exactly everything that hate about this game and these STUPID Medallions....
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