21st century Fox has been acquired by Disney for $52 billion. As part of this deal, they finally got the rights to the X-Men and the Fantastic Four back, just in time for Marvel's Phase 4.
This also means that Disney can freely rerelease the previous 6 Star Wars films on Blu-Ray without consulting Fox. It looks like we might soon get a Blu-ray boxed set with every single movie after all. And hopefully the bundle will include the sequel trilogy when the time comes.
What are your thoughts? Also, I bet Deadpool will get his own Netflix series once the X-Men make their debut in the MCU.
Update: Disney now owns The Simpsons, Avatar (Pandora at Disney's Animal Kingdom now makes sense), and a big chunk of Hulu.
Update: Holy F**k! I just now realized Disney now owns Alien. I wonder if this means the Guardians of the Galaxy will fight Xenomorphs in a spin off one day?
I wonder what Disney's gonna do with the Xenomorphs?
I think the main reason for the buyout is the majority share in Hulu that Disney will now own. Once their contract with Netflix expires, they will pull all of their content effectively crippling the theatrical released movie content Netflix has access to. Everything else they acquire is just a bonus to them. They want to be the new streaming giant.
Disney sucks dick.
>crying about shit tier comic book movies made for plebeians satisfied with mediocre entertainment Disney controls how you think. Thanks for playing.
Editado por Mad Max: 12/15/2017 8:30:40 PMHoly shit how can anyone approve this acquisition? Disney now basically controls everything. This isn't even about comic book movies. I'm talking about all the networks associated with Fox. Jesus. Where's the FTC on this? edit: apparently Disney now owns 40% of all movies, and 40% of all of television. Holy shit.
-blam!- that
Does that mean the Avengers can now use the word mutant?
Ripley is now a Disney princess. I’m ok with that.
Prepare for Fox news to become even more fake thanks to (((Disney))).
On one hand, I'm concerned about Disney monopolizing all media. On the other... we can finally see the Avengers and X-Men in the same film, which could be pretty cool.
More like Simpsons and Aliens planets in Kingdom Hearts 3. Cant wait for that to come out in 3147. I hope my cyber brain can survive the vicious Mars revolt and eventual war with the Plutonians.
I won't start to worry until they try to buy each country in the world showcase at Epcot.
Soon enough, Disney is gonna buy video game companies. I'd be perfectly fine if Disney owned Bungie.
I wonder if this will make The Simpsons good again...
Editado por Chicken in Rice: 12/15/2017 7:35:53 PM[quote]21st century Fox has been acquired by Disney for [b][i][u]$52 billion[/u][/i][/b].[/quote] That's... just... holy crap that's... wow.
Wasn’t Apple looking into buying Disney? I read that a while ago, probably not relevant anymore
Disney will own the world! Bow down to your corporate overlords!
That's cool and all but it sucks that Murdoch just got a shit ton richer.
Oh look Two enormous corporations are now one Gee I wonder if any stuck-up capitalists will start talking about monopolies...
The better not try to PG Deadpool.
Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe needs to be made then.
Everyone is saying the biggest concern is Deadpool. Though I don't have to worry because if Disney knows business, if it ain't broken...no need to fix it.
Editado por Romans43: 12/15/2017 10:53:52 PMEdit: answer found
Hooray for corporate conglomerates!
I wonder what this means for Simpsons land at universal studios