You want to know why my vault is almost always full? Because I'm hoarding ghost shells, jumpships, and sparrows like there's no tomorrow.
Why am I doing this? Because I know that if I erase them, I won't be able to get them back! I have to hold on to them until collections are brought in, so that at least the game will remember that I had them and unlock them in the collection for me. I'm also fairly certain I'm not the only person with this issue.
If we had collections for the cosmetic crap in our inventory, then that would enable me to free up tons of space in my vault.
In fact, we should do the same with Shaders and the transmat mods. Just give us a cost of some sort to retrieve them from the kiosk (higher cost for raid, trials, and timed event shaders and such).
I'm so sick of being unable to grab new weapons and armor because my vault is full of cosmetics.
[b]EDIT:[/b] Some people are rightfully pointing out that this might interfere with the collection of Bright Dust, seeing as breaking down unwanted cosmetics earns bright dust to buy stuff from Eververse. Adding collections for these items would break the game if they still dismantled into Bright Dust, so that aspect of them would need to be changed for this to be implemented.
This doesn't change my opinion that we need collections for the things mentioned in this post, but it does mean that if we get them, other sources of Bright Dust will be needed to compensate. I suggest the following:
1) Bright Dust earned for every Bright/Illuminated Engram opened should increase.
2) Bright Dust should also be earned by participating in events like Iron Banner, Faction Rally, and The Dawning. The Dust earned during these activities will be higher than the amount earned through Eververse Engrams.
This way, Bright Dust can still be reliably obtained by those who want Eververse items but don't want to pay real money.
Ultimately, this is just a suggestion, and there may well be better ones out there. Just pointing out that the Bright Dust shortage that would arise from the collections being implemented can definitely be remedied.
They could add the kiosks and give us an option to store or delete. This would prevent the breaking of the gold dust exchange. People would want to break down shaders and sparrows they don't like or which are duplicates.
They should make separate vault pages for ships, sparrows, ghosts and shaders. Every time there's an update it comes with more gear, but no extra space.
Since ships, sparrows, and ghosts have random rolls, odds are they may not get a collection section. Their worst mistake is focusing more on monetization and less on the player experience.
I have 88 slots in my vault taken up by ships, sparrows, ghost shells and shaders. FFS Bungie, why is this still an issue? The Dawning stuff looks great, but why is there so goddamn much of it, on top of the Osiris stuff AND the Vanilla stuff and not enough space for all of it? I've had to delete all my planetary armour sets and i'm still down to 10 slots with no exotic ghosts yet!
Too bad bungie wants us to spend more money for the items we get. They don’t care about what we want just what’s in our wallets.
We need collections so bad! That's one of my favorite thing to do in game is collect everything and now even more with the Masterworks and ornaments. Please! Add them!
I haven't started my third character because he's my extra vault. Lol
Especially ships!!
Shaders: Once acquired, they should be purchase-able at the right vendor (EDZ at devrim, Titan at sloane, Leviathan at Calus, Crucible at Shaxx, Faction shaders at the Factions. Iron Banner shaders at Saladin) Eververse should have all eververse shaders available to purchase for glimmer at all times! And dismantling eververse shaders will no more grant bright dust. Ships sparrows: yes give us collections!!! But to hold off the bright dust exploit. Make it so that only dismanteling a ship/sparrow acquired out of an engram will grant you bright dust. Collection retrieved ships/sparrows will grant nothing upon dismantling. Ghost Shells: Since D1 i am wishing for a vendor that is specifically specialised for this. Why have ghost shell products scattered at shaxx, eververse, or planetvendors? Give us a proper vendor where 2 ghost shells are rotating weekly and 3 ghost shells rotate daily (in perks and aestethics) Have this vendor also have special ghost shells that are acquired by the raid, pre orders, collectors editions, quest rewards or Bungie store purchases available at all times!! Why no collection for ghost shells? Because its more categorized as gear with random perks.
Due to how shaders work, im not sure if that'd work. But a shader bank that keeps track of how many u have acquired and used may work. Not sure how to work out the bright dust thing...keeping track of what came from an engram and what didnt seems useless cause then why wouldnt u break it down for dust if u could reobtain it with a different material?
I'm still trying to understand after Bungie working on this game for 10 years why other companies are able to add a decent vault space but it's such a hard thing for this company. If their team can't figure this out after 10 years, it's time for BungieVi$ion to use that last brain cell they have and find devs that have a brain.
Luke Smith claimed it would be a 'collections' game.... yet I stopped collecting anything cuz I have no where to store it. As a result, I dont play much now, theres no point. If I get something new, I would have to dismantle something else to keep it.
To: Bungie HR About that job you posted a while ago for an unethical mindfvcker, er, "lootbox-based progression specialist", I'd like to apply. To show you how I'd be qualified for the job and how much of an out-of-the-box thinker I am, here is where I'd start: 1. Collection kiosks. 2. More vault space. I know it sounds crazy, but people won't buy your shit if they don't have room to keep it, or if more cosmetic shit means less space for what is actually useful in the game: guns and armor. This advice was free. You're welcome.
Editado por Janus Geminus: 12/17/2017 9:08:03 PMDestiny yr 3 we had 328 slots in our Vault plus 9 kiosks that held Sparrows, ships, shaders, emblems, seasonal items, tracked quests, exotic armor. Exotic weapons. Emotes. Destiny 2 we have 200 slots in our Vault plus collections for exotic armor, exotic weapons, emotes and emblems. If we could get Seasons collections for ships, sparrows, shaders and season specific armor we’d be in a good place.
They won't. Everything that is wrong with this game can be traced back to Eververse. They want you to spend money, they want you to return to the evervese store over and over so that they can keep tempting you to buy that silver. They allow you to dismantle your ships to get bright dust, to go spend that bright dust at the eververse store for specialty dances and gear, so that the MKT of the game is constantly in front of your eyes so that you are constantly tempted to SPEND MONEY. Why do you think you have to go to Tess and not the Cryptarch to decrypt your bright engrams? It's all a money making scheme. Tess and Eververse is the Darkness incarnate, the greatest threat Destiny has ever faced. Oryx, Calus, Siva all pale in comparison to this threat. P.s. - I am still playing and loving the game but I am not blind to the issues that this game has. Any issue that you have with the game is 100% the result of the Eververse store and the greed of people at Activision and at least some of the people at Bungie.
We should have kiosks and collections for these things - if this is not supposed to be a shooter/ looter. But a "collection game' then we need more space and/or collections to keep all this stuff going forward.
They are tied to eververse, so I doubt that will ever happen. Dismantle them and you will get a good chunk of bright dust.
Cry much?
C'mon Bungie.. let us breathe
I have been saying for awhile now that anything you get from Eververse you should have a collections tab for. Say I spend $200 bucks on Eververse and get tons of stuff only to have nowhere to put it, that's a huge problem. What I've realized is they don't want you to have anywhere to put it because you will have to delete it and it turns into dust or dirt and it goes right back into the store. Then what happens? You spend more money on Eververse for the new items and the cycle repeats itself. I really hope I'm wrong and collection tabs show up soon because if I'm not its pretty messed up!
A way to convert my legendary shards to bright dust? HELL YEAH!
Didn't they have this in D1? D2 is giving the game in the video a run for it's money!
what we need is more space to hold ALL mods on us at all times.. my vault is full of freaking mods..
Just give bungie some time. Sooner or later Tess Eververse will sell vault space with real $$$!!