#RemoveEververse. The Dawning is a shining example for why it MUST go!
Eververse is nothing more than a system built off of greed. A full-price AAA game with a season pass DOES NOT NEED MICROTRANSACTIONS TO SUSTAIN IT! Destiny 2 has made more than enough money to cover development of future content for a while to come.
And the game suffers because of it. Take something as simple as shaders for example. Consumable shaders with limited time availability are -blam!-ing awful, and exemplify how bad the current shader system is. And that's just the beginning.
Bungie, please remove Eververse. For the game, for the community, and for your reputation. Destiny has so much potential, but it's being ruined by your greed and breaking systems that weren't broken, like the shaders and weapon systems.
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