I am so mad at what and how they handled destiny 2 as where they took all our loot and gear, and i think part of that is to force us to feel like playing d1 from the start or a fresh start (i know they had good intentions and other important reasons but good intentions arent enough), to force us to play to get all those new weapons that they all look the same feel the same and only use a couple throughout every activity....i just played d1 man god knows how much i miss it my three awesome characters and dont tell me you dont feel the same as a proud d1 player... i remember an interview with one of that art creators from bungie where he spoke about the game which were named project tiger and had this concept a tiger with this gardian and they spoke about how each weapon needs to be alive,spacial every detail had to be significant to the player and look at us now .
anyway my point here is that i hate how they lacked the creativity to make it bigger, deeper, more engaging, intense, and spacial
we all know they screwed it up and now we wait , if they lack the guts to break the gaming theme and limits than d2 is done.
this is my opinion ...so far
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