~ Important! ~
• We're currently seeking to expand our clans' leadership, suitable members to take on roles, such as Administrator, PvP Sherpaand PvE Sherpa. Keep in mind we do not tolerate lollygagging, we want to have a nice, clean, happy and a functioning clan.
We're looking for more players to fill up its ranks! We're also looking to expand our community with players all around the world! Currently, we mainly consist of players from North/South America.
• Fun and Helpful: We like to be active with our people, often ask into our parties, offer our help. And you can ALWAYS ask us for help. There will always be someone to help you out!
• Raids, Trials, all the Good Stuff: At the moment, our priority is to get enough members. After reaching a certain amount, we will start putting together routine teams to schedule regular raids and ToTN runs (Trials of the Nine). Sherpas for said activities are yet to be made.
• Discord is mandatory! We use it for almost everything!
• MUST be over 18 years old!
Join us today! muscle
!!Comment below or message me!!
You gotta a Discord server?
I’m interested. I left destiny for a while but I’m feeling the grind itch again. Haven’t completed the raid but that has been by choice not lack of skill. I’ve been playing since d1 year 1 and want to get back into it.