If you've stumbled upon us... then you've essentially made a rare discovery.
The Silent Abyss is a -blam!-... well.. clan of sorts we'll say just.. for safety purposes. We recruit those that are talented enough to either aid each other or those that seek guidance.
The Silent Abyss does weekly raids, public events, crucible, trials, and nightfalls. Currently our numbers strive and desire growth. We're a rowdy bunch of individuals that do not tolerate the intolerable.
[b]Here are the requirements to take part in a truly life changing experience...[/b]
[b]You must be of 18 years or older. [/b]
[i]Some exceptions apply[/i]
[b]You must have a microphone[/b]
[b]You must be of 360 light or higher[/b]
[i]Some exceptions apply[/i]
[b]You must be active and seek out the clan leaders when you first join to ensure you won't be booted [/b]
[i]Those that engage us in conversation and let us know that they've joined are typically the ones who stay[/i]
[b]Be polite until you've reached your limits[/b]
[i][quote][b]Welcome home...[/b][/quote][/i]
If you happen to be interested in any further involvement, either seek us out through the app or add us on PSN.
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