New Titan Exotic Arms:
Zeus' Might
[i]I might see myself as I god, but trust me, I'm a simple guardian carrying the might of the King of Gods himself[/i] -An unknown striker
Main perk; Smite of Zeus:
Upon activating Fists of Havoc, press RB or RL while summon a lightning shaped rod to be thrown at enemies. Does double damage if using more than one arc weapon.
Vulcan's Hounds
[i]Unleash the hounds within the very hammer you wield.[/i]
Main perk; Smell of Prey:
Hammer of sol tracks down enemies in approximately to the area. Power increases depending on how far the hammer takes to reach its target.
New Exotic Auto Rifle:
[i]we all know the king can fall for the ambassador, but what does that have to compete with a jack of all trades?[/i] -An English Proverb
Main Perk: Jack of All Trades;
Gives Health Regeneration on precision kills and half of shield on multi kills
Heavy Grip
Hammerforged Bore
Trick of the Sleeve; Very Fast Reload Mechanism. Equal amount of stability and handling
King's Sights; Mid-range scope. Lowers stability slightly
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