Negative Silver Balance after having not received my Silver purchases for months (PS4)
I've been having issues purchasing silver on PS4 since Curse of Osiris first dropped. I made two purchases then and when it didn't go through I tried to get a refund but opted to wait for my Bungie Silver Help Request to hopefully pay off instead. It never did. When Warmind dropped I figured I'd try again with a tiny purchase just to see if it was fixed and to my dismay it was not.
Fast forward to now when Forsaken has dropped and I log-in to my character to see that I now have a NEGATIVE balance of 4900 silver. A brief search came back saying negative balances are because I spent silver I never paid for, but that clearly isn't the case since I bought silver that I never received.
I've sent out another play request form in hopes of fixing this, but the area to describe your situation was too small to properly describe what has happened. I've been playing Destiny since the launch of Destiny 1 and have played every expansion for both games. I've even spent a fair share on silver in both games and to see this happen is just disappointing.
I'm just hoping someone sees this who can actually help with my situation instead of waiting for forms to be responded to with answers that solve nothing at all.
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