I'm getting disconnected regularly with error codes baboon/weasel. My usb wifi adater is then disconnected and I have to unplug and plug it back in to get any internet connection. I thought it was a problem with my adapter since I got it recently, but this seems to only happen when playing Destiny. The errors seem to happen more frequently when I'm in an activity like strikes/gambit/etc
I've read the networking troubleshooting guide and don't see anything that would help. I cannot change to a wired connection, and I don't see how I would be having any NAT or port problems, because I have no problems while I can connect to the servers. I live in an apartment building with lots of nearby networks so I'm going to try to change my wifi's channel and see if that helps.
Any help would be appreciated as it's making the game unplayable for me. I've already had a couple gambit cooldowns from disconnects and lost the catalyst reward from a whisper heroic quest.
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