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9/21/2018 12:45:46 AM

To C a p t a i n H o T h (mainly): Wanna talk shop? (the socio-political climate and economics)

Just saw some of yr posts, good -isht. Fairly in-line with this user's personal bias as a human being with AnCap-minded anarchist/voluntar(y)ist beliefs, but also objectively accurate takes on 'society' as a whole. It's a weird combination of hilarious and disturbing to see the hypocrisy of the overly right-brain-dominant fragile Procrustean progressive-left and overly left-brain-dominant robust reactionary Epithean 'new'-right ('alt-lite' civic- or values-based sometimes ultra-nationalists/'alt-right' ethno-crowd) when, in fact, they are both virtually identical, almost one-in-the-same. The parasitic reciprocal relationship they share in the outrage cult-ure of the modern times lends itself all too well to carny charlatanism and a furthering of the eschaton and destruction of truth in this post-facts (narrative-favoring), post-activism (it doesn't work out that well anymore and is tantamount to terrorism) world. One should not respond to identitarianism with identitarianism, which is narcissism incarnate (virtue plus vanity). This is fundamentally (by the M a r k P a s s i o definition, as well as the sell-out Stefy Moly definition of) Say-tan-ik! This user has seen this coming and heard from even some great, young people years younger than this user almost half-a-decade ago that the 'left' is becoming increasingly communist and the 'right' is becoming increasingly fascist, and when one side calls the other (or more accurately, individuals of either category) such words, it is imperative for the other to be antithetical to those words, because otherwise they become accurate. But some people may not care, anymore at least, if those terms are accurate or not, at least for those on the ('new') 'right' now, because of the way the 'winds of change' are blowing and the onus of the status quo being in their favor, they get plausible deniability and a free reign of impunity, at lest until people exercise critical thinking more and someone is able to properly, perfectly, expose them at their own game with enough evidence and time allotted in front of their audience of sycophants. Honesty, principles, consistency, constancy, meritocracy, productivity....these words mean something to people when it comes to relationships (males especially) and such a flawed left-right paradigm enabled by the internet's sub-cult-ures and with E r i c E r i k s o n 's stages of child development in-mind being screwed with due to past errors by the government (intrusions and break-ups of the nuclear patriarchal family unit as well as shame by those who are proponents of such microscopic analyzing), it's not hard to realize what on Earth is happening: fanatical 'lynsiite radicalization of the masses for nefarious purposes in a sick, twisted M a l t h u s i a n of game of population control by the 'elite' dynastic families serving negative hyper-dimensional forces. Also found in B a t m a n a n d P s y c h o l o g y by L a n g l e y, (B a t m a n a n d P h i l o s o p h y by I r w i n is good too, as well as other books in the I r w i n series) read S t e r n b e r g 's triangular theory of relationships, one needs all three types listed for truly consummate affection, and post-modern rhetoric such as 'the personal' being 'the political' is creating, or at least encouraging de-actualized, de-individuated 'thought-slaves', as it was aptly put in the comment section of one of yr posts here, de-humanizing each other over petty differences, mainly of the mind, and ignoring the heart, allowing the loins to be the 'cart' put before the 'carriage' of the heart, as 440hz mind-control the music industry perpetuates thrives off of. Doctor C a r l J u n g warned the world of this years ago, but few took heed, or even heard such a message, and it bears repeating, because if it is not heard, by people who were not around then to hear it originally, it needs to be heard, now more than ever, so as to allow more to listen to it. Doctor J o r d a n B P e t e r s o n and J o a n n a W i l l i a m s also talk about this in recent years and there's very well-done work done by the Foundation for Economic Education on these topics as well this user would recommend checking out. E s o t e r i c E n t i t y is very good as well as many in the anarchist-genre of YT (shameless plug) such as B r a v e t h e W o r l d and the folks about peaceful parenting and 'schoolsucks' and T h e D o l l a r V i g i l a n t e and (fck), just to name a few. This user has tried plugging some books and educating some people here before in off-topic, to no avail and got nothing but harassed for it, so maybe check out those posts as well, there are some good books and other works and links listed in them. C o n f u c i u s and B u c k m i n s t e r F u l l e r agree, instant gratification sucks and is unhealthy and one must endeavor more to change, not the goals of a situation, but the action steps. As J o n a t h a n H a i d t noted in 'T h e R i g h t e o u s M i n d', these 'talking heads' (para-political pundit[th0t]s) usually only offer 'sugar and salt', as opposed to a healthy myriad of tasty sensations in more well-thought-out ethos-logos-pathos appeal sets when attempting to persuade a audience of something, and fall back to advocating 'force' as the means to achieve such a 'power' over people. If one reads 'P o w e r v s. F o r c e' by D a v i d H a w k i n s or the critically-acclaimed and lauded D o n M i g u e l self-help books, or listens to A d a m W i l l i a m s' AVATAR course's rhetoric, one should realize that 'force' is not only not necessarily the only path to power but not even the best, effective and efficient form of power over someone. S c o r r i e's '1 9 8 4 and P h i l o s o p h y' exposes how these pundits operate, it's sick. Interjecting opinion with a given article is not practicing good journalistic ethics, nor a case of having integrity when one 'false-flags' one's self into the spotlight, becoming a 'cry-bully' for 'beta-bucks', possibly as a proxy for a proxy war between State governments and/or secret societies like the Owhls vs. the Spidrs in the 'luminti. It's really just all for resources, as all wars are fought for, and social issues are window dressing for poor to stomach being the tools for, all oligarchies, just some masquerading as tyrannies or democracies, apart of some club of similar people, even related to each other, proxies themselves of bad ideas and negative forces. Both fascism, classical and progressive, and communism, classical and progressive, both have socialist roots, classical or progressive, and none of these let alone in any format of P l a t o's three flawed forms of State (involuntary) government (mind-control, etymologically) work! So long as there is a scarcity of resources (whatever that may entail), any and all forms of distributism (involuntary ones namely), DO.NOT.WORK. Imagine flightless (for the most part) beings in a valley filled with greens to consume that is flooded periodically selling out to predators overhead that also swoop down to those consumers to be placed onto a hilltop where there are less greens but also out of the way of the flooding, but also a lower distance for the predators to swoop down to and less energy for those beings to grow larger wings and learn to fly. G r e a t K i n g M o g g l e m o g t h e 1 2 t h has enslaved those poor c h o c o b o s. (Continued below for length-purposes)....

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  • J e s s e 'T h e B o d y' V e n t u r a has some pretty good work done out there. A d a m K o k e s h vs. the man for 'not-president'. J o h n M c A f e e is a living legend. T h e H i g h e r s i d e C h a t s and B e y o n d t h e D a r k n e s s R a d i o are phenomenal too. Thx Y 2 J for introducing this user to G r e g C a r l w o o d 4 years ago, that opened up a whole new expansion of this user's mind since then.

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  • Reading reminder: Check out 'T h e R e p t i l i a n P l o t t o R u l e t h e W o r l d' by K e n L a s t e n and 'T h e E m p i r e B e n e a t h t h e I c e' by S t e v e Q u a y l e, as well as 'C h a r i o t s o f t h e G o d s' by D a n i g a n and this user also really recommends 'T h e S y n c h r o n i c i t y K e y' by D a v i d W i l c o x, it's fantastic. Learning how to communicate with people through books like 'H o w t o m a k e f r i e n d s a n d i n f l u e n c e p e o p l e' by D a l e C a r n e g i e (And the 'digital age' addendum) and a similar book by D o n G a b o r on the subject as well as '1 2 R u l e s' by DocJBP and the D o n M i g u e l series of self-help books like the '4 A g r e e m e n t s' (the companion book may be better than the original) and '3 Q u e s t i o n s'. Astrology, like J o a n n a W o o l f o l k's 'T h e O n l y A s t r o l o g y B o o k...' is good stuff. Truly fascinating. N o s t r a d a m u s's Predictions were interesting to read too. Is it true B i l l G a t e s, some agent, and a hippie saved the world in a kitchen once and there will be another worldly dictator some 100 years from now? /insomnia Good night! P.S. Some moar worldly wisdom: Girls got body issues because of other girls, not so much men, although men get blamed for it, of course. Ever notice the 'side' pose women make in pictures? That's a call-out to other women, men don't care whether a girl worse the same dress twice for an event, girls want multiple outfits for every occasion and men prefer front or back pics. Say no to lip-injections and red-lipstick on pale skinned women. Fake eyelashes and overdoing eyebrow brushing is also a turn-off. Begone boomers.....seriously.

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    • Editado por JonnyMadDog1: 9/21/2018 1:09:13 AM
      Imagine the island people from G u l l i v e r's T r a v e l s with not one, but two leviathans stomping about. One is government the other is the economy. The poor little people would be better suited to slay the government leviathan that has erratically-made footsteps and sometimes pretends to be their friend versus the economical gargantuan if they only have enough resources to slay one at the moment, and worry about the other monstrosity later, because the other gargantuan has a more predictable route, robotic-like, programmed into that force's modus operandi. It would be easier to trip and stab at that entity, than the one with some support by cowards and psychopaths and erratic footfalls. It is primarily the fallacy of the assumed paradigm that is responsible (the caveat of), for the decrease in proper communication, despite the rapid increase in efficiency in communication brought about by technology. Efficiency =/= effectiveness, and this is very evident with certain historical examples in mind, such as how the C i v i l W a r / W a r b e t w e e n t h e S t a t e s came about with the cotton gin and paranoid 'north' being at-odds with potential buyers of the production of the 'south' and scarcity of resources leading to a need for chattel slavery to keep up with unfair quotas leading to violations of Natural Law and the inherent Rights of humans. Problem-reaction-solutionism. S t a r W a r s' C l o n e W a r s, and S t a r T r e k 6: T h e U n d i s c o v e r e d C o u n t r y are also good examples. Narcissistic psychopaths, hedonistic nihilists, hostile aliens, pragmatism (impulsiveness and impatience in the face of adversity), ignorance itself....E p h e s i a n s 6 : 1 2....memorize it. T w i l i g h t Z o n e's "T h e O b s o l e t e M a n' episode is the result....the world before individuals' eyes today. No matter how much or frequent one served and touted the party-line, that one may be obsolete tomorrow for committing but the littlest offense of not moving with the goalposts on so few as one issue. C a n n i b a l i z a t i o n. It must be stopped. As Y a r o n B r o o k of the A y n R a n d I n s t i t u t e has said, the group cannot reason, it is incapable of reason, only the individual can reason. Seeing others as individuals and not 'the other' and in the plural can go a long way to helping ease tensions and restore balance and harmony in the world. Peace.Luv.andANARCHY! . . . . [Obligatory 'taxation is theft' voluntary subscriptions/bills are not here] EDIT: LOL, forgot the main thing this user was wanting to convey: Isn't it weird how 'lefties' (to be collective-focused at the expense of the individual) advocate for strong, independent women that don't need no men and there are 'right-wingers' (to believe in the primacy of the individual over the collective) who advocate for identity and groups' ends sometimes justifying the means? Very hypocritical to see 'righties' advocate for collectivism....that's NOT being 'right'! UGH! People need to define terms one will use in a piece before using them because not everyone has the same definitions for such terms and there's a lot of conflation and misrepresentation going on. Tunecedemaliscontraaudetoirito! Malopericulosmlibertatumquamquietumservitium!

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      • Yes, Turtl, this user knows what that is.

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        • Srsly hoping that's just a shtpost, if it's rehd it's ded, if it's yello, it's mellow.

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        • Communism is the only way forward brethren

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        • Am not on such drugs. This, BTW, is yuh daily reminder communism doesn't work at least while there is a scarcity of resources and it is involuntary and that AnComs (antifuh) are NOT anarchists and that is a mainstream/lame stream media creation about paid-off, brainwashed children looking for extra credit. BrnieSandanista can go back to getting beaten by W a l t e r B l o c k in more than just a foot race.

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        • Meth, it's a hell of a drug...

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        • Lotta kiddies just see the way the wind is blowing and like winners and see crazy getting exposed, called out, etc., on the internet and chow down a lot of the reactionary stuff but really don't know or care what they are talking about and that's a problem when advocating for already not-well-thought-out ideas. Voting against someone or something isn't always enough for wisdom. Knowledge without wisdom is but a double folly, as B a l t a s a r. G r a c I a n once put it and thought without action is a daydream, action without thought is a nightmare, as the Japanese proverb goes. Check out T h o m a s. J e f f e r s o n's critique (hilarious and scathing critique) of P l a t o for a larf.

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        • Bit of arrogant presumption to call myself 'buddy', isn't it? Lol, gumption is respectable though.

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        • Sounds like I found myself a political buddy

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        • Wow. Something I can actually read. Might still be a text wall, but better that a text wall of gibberish.

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        • Editado por JonnyMadDog1: 9/21/2018 10:22:16 AM
          Just because one got spooked by a blu-jakazz shtting all over the place, doesn't mean they should abandon the purpl hedghog in favor of a red-elephnt stomping around in the path of the the hedghog! Interesting to study how people deal with their S c h o p e n h a u e r Porcupin Dilemma (spike others for warmth or be alone and not spike anyone in the cold). Hear of Hedghog clothing/blankets? There's a market for that, get to it capitalists. One can then have their cake and eat it too. Yes this user is tired and is going back to bed now.....wish this user luck at the sportsbook today.

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        • Wow I can actually understand what your trying to say. Good post my guy. [spoiler]you do know there’s a reply button right?[/spoiler]

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        • ... First me and now Hoth... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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          • Editado por JonnyMadDog1: 9/21/2018 2:40:03 AM
            Thanks kindly! Was just perusing through some books that jumped out to this user months ago at a bookstore concerning B a t m a n and other media and the philosophy and psychology within various franchises and then saw these tables by the guy and how one could break down where certain 'heroes' and 'villains' have their lives ruined somehow and at what stage and how what aspect goes wrong from that point that, under other circumstances, would allow for a more complete, benevolent human being and then juxtaposed that work with society today and the stage at risk of fanaticism (as well as others) being a critical age bracket for people and when it is screwed with, as it has been these past couple of decades, due to [insert personal boogeyman here: Democrats, helicopter parenting, going to the source instead of just blocking channels, corrupt religious work, cliques in the digital age at school, lack of critical thinking in favor of factory-worker producing narratives, etc.] the like, this user then formulated these opinions. A crucial disconnect is the separation of the metaphysics of morals (shout-out to I m m a n u e l K a n t) is the aforementioned (and expounded upon by F E E . o r g articles this past summer) fallacy of the assumed paradigm (for example: one may believe abortion is wrong, but is fine with the other having the choice be between that person and their deity, one may believe life does not begin at conception, either may be for or against, also, one can be pro-choice AND anti-abortion, do not conflate with 'pro-abortion' and 'pro-life' is a subtle attack at pro-choicers being anti-life, which isn't intellectually honest) and redefining of terms, such as how 'anarchy' is misrepresented since 1927. It means 'no rulers' not 'no rules', it is a return to Natural Law and natural selection and moral universalism, not 'light up the flaming cocktails boiz!!!' and is NOT the same thing as 'chaos'. Essentially the term means 'voluntarism', but sometimes this user likes to use it as an 'Flip-off' of P.C. culture hijacking the term and seeing who is scared of the word, like V-o-l-d-e-m-o-r-t. Obviously the social humans will continue to group-up, it's just the private sector and individual spheres-of-influence can be more effective and efficient than the current, corrupt, 'State'-form (capital 's') government. Basically, not all forms of government (govern=control, mente=mind; mind-control) have to be, or have been, in the form of the federal 'State' (implying involuntary force/consequential-ism). Pastoral familial bands can be patriarchal in-nature as their government. This user can list (and has elsewhere but it's too late now to do so here, now) numerous times throughout history a more libertarian society or individual lasted well, long-enough, and was productive and fended off a larger, more centralized collective. The host 'solute' populace does NOT need to 'collectivize' and give up inherent Rights to some social construct of flawed humans to fend off a hostile, invading 'solvent' collective. Less band-aides, more freedom and privacy, because as aggregate freedom goes up, so does security and truth and happiness. As aggregate truth goes up, likewise happens, as M a r k P a s s i o talked about this past A n a r c h a p u l c o 2018 conference in a keynote speech and presentation. Focus on the 'why' not the 'how', there's too little material and labor to keep fixing rooms' leaky ceilings, focus efforts on the leaky roof leaking into the ceilings below. Pragmatism is just high time preference, possibly out of fear. More freedom means more self-sufficiency meaning less psychopath-friendly control systems to take advantage of. Look up the S h i r k y/P e t e r/P a r e t o/R a n d principles. Politics is downstream from cult-ure, as A n d r e w B r e i t b a r t posited (founder of B r e i t b a r t), but all too oft do people, even those who espouse that rhetoric, advocate for policies that are tantamount to politics being upstream from cult-ure, not down. Also cult-ure (and thus, politics), whether downstream from race and ethnicity or not (another quagmire for another time) is irrelevant because all of these are ultimately downstream from environment. As an environment is larger and more plentiful, more libertarian thought and actions (voluntary groups, peace from leaving each other alone in each others' caves/abodes etc.) can surface, because all wars are fought for resources, freedom of movement and acquirement of capital and labor (no wall/such stringent border/immigration policies Mr. President) can, like the truly free market (REAL capitalism, not crony capitalism framed by the fasco-communist corporatocracy/kakistocracy/psychopathocracy/n W o), help alleviate such artificially-induced inflation and problems and eliminate the scarcity that brings about such that entices psychopathology and cowardice. Look at Japan or Africa: islands and a desert with resources scattered, so people had to de-individuate and group-up and form herd-mentalities and fell under oppression from other groups in war between feudal systems of distributism to the point of a genetic imprint/memory (a la that A s s a s i n ' s C r e e d games' animus machine makes use of for the player character; there have been real studies about genetic memory with smaller beings' whose ancestors were stalked by a particular species that, without having seen such a species before, scared the descendants; swimming in the deep, dark waters where Man allegedly came from where Man was stalked by proto-scorpions/reptilians being at-odds with mammalians throughout history). Compare-and-contrast with the Mediterranean which had more caves and resources for each individual's family to have room to grow and flourish, and thus less reason to hurt each other, being the place original libertarian/Enlightenment thought occured/was posited. Where the classic authors, philosophers, and poets of antiquity mostly came from. The problem that the identitarians/ethno-crowd encounter, unknowingly perhaps, is that if, say, all blacks were deported back to Africa and/or such stringent anti-immigration activities were to occur, if those people were lower-IQ than whites, their IQ levels would stay low, because they'd have less off an ability to grow and be able to be let back in, also they would begin the risk of in-breeding and that's just another form of population control. Now this user isn't encouraging eugenics as a deterrence, to force, subliminally perhaps, blacks and whites (namely white women and black men who care less than white men and black women, curious as to why they are the 'model' tandem in media today, and not the other way around) to miscegenation as a means to raise the lower's IQ and reduce crime, because that'd be horrible too. Forced association and forced disassociation are NOT, this user repeats, NOT the answer to each other, should either be happening somewhere between some class of people. It is not the association or disassociation so much as it is the FORCE behind them that is the problem. This user REFUSES to accept good (subjective) policies that help people for nefarious ulterior motives and immoral policies for good-intentions (that with which the road to perdition is paved with, as it's been said) as axiom. When the road before one splits into two equally undesirable paths, make a third. When two parties quarrel, a third rejoices. -Old proverbs of this user's background. Prejudice and racist are not the same word, one is something everyone ever has and the other is being defined by negative, offensive actions brought about by that prejudice. To 'discriminate' is also a tool, not necessarily a negative thing, it is to 'discern'. 'Equality' and 'equity' are NOT the same thing. Zero-percent is not necessarily zero. Equality of outcome and equality of opportunity are two different things. A return to the voluntary minarchy the Framers intended with free, open land and immigration between private property borders is what this region of the world needs, and let that trickle down over into Europe and Asia, as the betetr system begets obsoletion of worse systems. Don't fight the system, render it obsolete. -B u c k m i n s t e r F u l l e r (not even getting to page one of 'C r i t i c a l P a t h' made this user want to buy that book). Where muh libertarian underwater cities at? Sea-steaders? Lunar colonies? Liberland!? AnCapistan!? Come on now people! What 'order'? The general idea of 'order' in this world is the primary employer of 'chaos'. Anarchy is the vaccine, if not antidote to it. Such institutions of organized religion and State government are NOT the only (usually hardly at all) ways to learn morals and keep 'order' and one's ego in-check, as Stefy Moly has said in the past, that is what those institutions are: ego-checks. This user posits that one can keep their own ego in-check WITHOUT those and that is the next step in human evolution. People are ll born anarchists and become statists and need to get back to being anarchists as this user believes they were intended to be and would provide an easier path to transcendence. Deity gave people free will, taking it away as a precaution is playing deity and not right. How can one learn freedom in a cage? How can one bolster their constitution from temptation in a nunnery? The religious-right are the parents of anti-fascists and liberal parents and schooling beget conservatives and vice versa. it's not 'liberal' or 'conservative' 'values', it's authoritarian collectivism for a collective/individual over another collective/individual that is the problem and why the left-right paradigm is completely false! There is no east-west only north-south (authoritarian and libertarian, respectively). Find out what the 'why' is, and solve that, not the 'how', usually with force and a reduction of civil liberties.

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            • Editado por SuperJohnJohn: 9/21/2018 1:48:33 AM
              good post, I agree. Erick Erickson has been a boon for principled thought in this world. to many people forget the spiritual aspects of this life and only focus on the physical, and maybe the mental portions. I appreciate your compliments about my posts. I will look into the books and other resources you mentioned. On anarco-capitalism. Isn't there a value in having a basic structure in society? not a strong government by any means, but just enough to keep order? [spoiler]clever writing style btw, it took me a little while to figure it out.[/spoiler]

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            • F off ayhol.

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              • [i]Good God it’s back...[/i]

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                • This user doesn't do DMing.

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