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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por Unicorn: 11/26/2018 4:19:44 PM

Ward of Dawn needs a serious buff or needs to be removed. (Also Commander buff)

It is arguably the worst path of any subclass and with the addition of Well of Radiance it seems even more worthless. In D1 you'd need two Titans to achieve the same affect as that super, so I have a solution. Make it to where you can shoot through the bubble and it gives a slight damage boost not as much as Well, but close enough. Well should offer more damage and bubble should offer more survivability. This leaves the new commander path as useless, but just giving that a massive damage buff would justify using it over the new Ward of Dawn. (Even in it's current state it is worthless, since you do more damage by shooting) As it stands two thirds of Sentinel subclass are "useless" (very gimmicky) in PvE when they should be the strongest for the Titan. Either one of those would work, but both would be preferable. [b][i]THESE BUFFS AREN'T MEANT FOR PVP[/i][/b]

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  • There is no need to buff ward of dawn. Then will you see that it is not Ward of dawn that is terrible, it is yo... Oh. This is just PvE? Carry on. It needs a PvE Buff.

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    • Ursa Furiosa should work with ward of dawn as well

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      • No we just need sub class customization so we can have wol with bubbles instead of it being strictly on bannersheild.

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      • I can only surmise that you don't play Code of the Commander in PvE if you are seriously asking for it to be buffed. As it stands it is one of the strongest add clearing subclasses in the game, even playing solo.

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      • Code of the Commander is one of the most slept on new supers. For both PvE and PvP. Void detonators are so strong, health regen and ability energy, even in crucible this shit spreads like wildfire. The super is also amazing, only thing that can successfully block blade barrage and yes it does happen. Especially useful in gambit when being invaded.

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        • They should make the Ball a lot smaller in my opinion, then have your Titan stand inside it like one of those plastic orbs you roll down hill, Hamster Ball of Death! then you would run around corners, bouncing off shit, just, like a never ending ball of fun and death. also, if you have an Arc Strider as a buddy, he can 9 iron you in the direction of a boss. Ward of Dawn, can be Hoola hoop of Hell. - big flaming hoola hoop you just run around swinging from your hips.

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        • Someone doesn't know who destiny fun police is...

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          • No Buff will keep you safe From my 😈Nova Bomb💣💥

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          • It would be too oP if your allowed to shoot through bubble. There should be a downside to this like you'll deal less damage when shooting through bubble. As for the damage buff there's no need for it. Defender is built for defense not offense so instead of weapons of light. Give it armor of light. In the end of the day your sacrificing offense for defence.

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            • The bubble is only really good in very niche situations, and 9 times out of 10 that situation could have been avoided by just playing better. It's possibly more useful in pvp, but let's be real. Blade barrage and nova warp are the two most common supers you'll see, and both of them are capable of killing someone in the bubble.

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            • It’s a slap in the face to the lore of the bubble. Armour,weapons of light made me want to use it and even use that shotgun that didn’t use up ammo in the bubble..... Now it’s just a glorified tent........

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            • I'd like them to replace that tree with something else, and bring back Defender as a 4th sub-class. I will never consider that sub-class tree a worthy replacement of the Defender sub-class, nor will I ever stop wanting the Defender sub-class in all of its glory to return without the need to waste exotic slots just to sort of make it similar.

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            • NOT completely useless. It's fun as heck to run up to an enemy's prime in gambit and pop a bubble over it. :D

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            • You should be removed.

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              4 Respuestas
              • Ward of dawn should just be removed. It was fun in d1 but it has no place anymore.

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                • I disagree. The amount of times its saved a wipe to orbit or checkpoint reset, its the main subclass i run.

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                • The super is whatever for commander but everything else makes it amazing. Great for gambit! It wipes adds like nothing and you're always healing and getting back grenades...and when you have two grenades ;) it's great. As for the bubble....well that's more of a pvp class now. I think it's still great though. Get those new arms and have supers for days ;)

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                • I think it's funny that a literal wall that completely negates damage, and knock back, is being ignored for the sake of comparison. Regardless of that I've always wanted ward of dawn to be something you can plop down at any point. Making it more of an active ability. It will immediately end your super, but you wouldn't have to choose between one or the other anymore. Also it would be nice if titans could place shields wherever they want rather than always on the ground. So going back to the part where it's a wall you can literally pop it to contain a bosses attack for some time or something. It's way too restricted yeah, but pure DPS being on everything is boring.

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                • Ward of Dawn is the best it's been in D2 after the buff before Forsaken, with its overall strength (not in terms of buffs provided) being superior to D1. It's a very potent ability especially with Helm of Saint-14...the problem, at least in PvE, is that it's not seeing any use because there's really no reason to. Remember the Abyss at the start of Crota's End? That was a good place for it because at the end you had to hold your ground. The only thing that can break a Ward of Dawn, in PvP, are [i]some[/i] Supers and even those that can aren't even guaranteed to kill someone inside. Golden Gun can't (even with Celestial Nighthawk), Shadowshot can't, Dawnblade can't, and Stormtrance can't. The ones that can are Nova Bomb (both variants destroy the bubble but in all likelihood fail to kill anyone in it), Chaos Reach (although it needs to continuously fire on it for a long while before it breaks), Blade Barrage (you can still dodge the second barrage, the first is used up destroying the bubble), Thundercrash (also can be dodged if you see it coming, but will destroy the bubble if they land inside), and Hammers (takes nearly the entire Super to break it). If two people are using their Supers at the same time on the bubble that will likely break it but you're using two Supers to cancel out just one. Comparing it with Well is, as someone pointed out, kind of flawed. Well of Radiance heals rapidly and boosts damage but that rapid healing doesn't keep you from dying to either: a very large amount of damage received at once (Heavy Weapons, Supers) or a lot of damage from a lot of sources (I.E. in the second Thrallway you will still get mauled to death in a Well of Radiance if you don't fight back). Ward of Dawn is a nigh-invunerable safe-zone for you that requires another Super to break and no Heavy weapon will break it. Also: it's an option on the subtree and you're not forced to use it over Sentinel Shield. I personally prefer that subtree for healing on melee and Defensive Strike's buffs.

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                  7 Respuestas
                  • The bubble is fine. The problem is there is no use for what it does anymore. It’s support function have been given to Warlocks (rifts, Well of Radiance), and there is no need for its power to let you defend a specific spot. In fact Bungie has designed things such that the game usually punishes you for trying to play that way.

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                    3 Respuestas
                    • I agree, the titan bubble is worthless as it is currently. What I think would be cool is if we could lay down that invulnerability totem the scorn put down instead.

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                    • Aw the poor little titan is sad his bubble only blocks half of the supers, if someone dedicates their super to yours, yours should break, you're a titan L2P

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                      • Ward of Dawn can be really good in PvP, especially in Countdown. I’ve had times where the enemy team planted a bomb and then I just warded it to defuse. They really couldn’t do anything about it lol. But yeah, I think they should buff it so it’s more viable. Maybe make it take more damage and you can shoot through it. That’d make a Well and Ward combo filthy. I don’t know if still does, but make generate orbs when it takes damage like in D1.

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                        3 Respuestas
                        • The real thing they need to do is give it a Gift of the Void-like bonus, allowing its damage absorption to be worth it, and increase its base duration by 6 seconds, just to allow more time for it to protect you.

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                        • They can make us at least walk with it but forget removing it ppl paid $174 it'll be a waste of time removing when bungie made exotics for the bubble anyway. That'll also mean all the exotics made for ward of dawn will have to be change to something else.

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                        • As a Titan main since D1 I say: NO! [quote][b]Excuse me, WHYYYYYY? [/b] ~ JonTron[/quote] That's easy Jonnyboy, because the most people don't know how to play the bubble properly. A sentinel bubble is in basic gameplay not for buffing your team like in D1 (this role has the Warlock now). The bubble is, how I call it, THE BACKUP PLAN. See, there will be the situation at some point where the enemies will kill you. Maybe with AoE, maybe as an Invader in Gambit. But nope, you pull out this shiny violet glowing bubble and it will save you and possibly your teammates. The only thing the bubble is designed for is TO HOLD A POSITION FOR A LONGER TIME. In control the bubble can help to capture point B (or any other zone under fire) while providing protection inside of it. With the Saint Helmet you can also engage your enemies with Blessing of light. In PvE the bubble can help for example, to block massive amounts of damage and thrown debuffs. Maybe while you are reviving a teammate in a nightfall. To list up the advantages: - Can provide very good protection. - Can allow to hold a tactical position in combat. - Can grant overshield due exotics. - Can't be destroyed easily. Since you are comparing Well of Radiance with Bubble, I will do it too. Pro's: - Provides rapidly fast heal and overshield charge. - Provides damage buff - Can reload weapons due exotics Cons: - No burst damage protection ( A rocket in pvp will probably kill you or destroy the sword in the ground) - No damage block - Lower duration than bubble - No possibility to grant overshields on range due exotics - No possibility to blind enemies in it due exotics - The sword is destroyable and has only crit hitboxes

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