So I have been trying to get this thing forever now. I pretty sure anger and adrenaline alone can build muscle, your looking at the next Hercules. I have seen all sort of b.s. in competitive, but for the love of God I haven't been able to come anywhere close to getting the glory rank needed. So if there is anyone of you out there that can find it your heart to Give me the code for that model so I don't have to sell a kidney to pay for it ($77,777). I don't know if other players can give it to another or if a supper awesome Bungie employ/magican can throw me out a bootlegged one, but I would def. Be ecstatic if I could get it so I can buy one. Seriously, I've been t bagged enough to give up on this game. I go full on Mr. destructo on these a-hole and still get stuck with teammates who would rather jump off the map then see me win. Im tired of this and i only have one more day. So if anybody can whip up some holiday cheer and help out, it would be appreciated.
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