Firstly a lot of solo players have voiced not liking being matched against Teams, I have no problem with this as the only fix for it would increase the wait times to get into matches to an outrageous length of time. So I'd like that to stay the way it is, besides I relish a challenge and it's fun when a random assortment of people actually defeat a clan.
Secondly while sorting people based on Glory Rank seems like it might help it isn't enough to truly help create a better experience. I suggest sorting people by several factors, Rank,
Lifetime efficiency, Lifetime matches completed, won, lose, and how often they rage quit so that Rage quiters get put in lobbies with other Rage quieters. This could better sort people and the Toxic people who try to Ruin the experience for every one can be placed in lobbies with each other.
Also Rage Quiting Competive should have harsher consequences that scale as you repeatedly do it within a certain amount of time. Even begin taking points out of their Glory for each match not completed. Ban the Rage Quiters for like say 10 to 15 minutes each time they don't complete a match,
and for the truly Toxic that send hatemail and harass other players non-stop during their temper tantrums they should eventually get permabanned,
because this is a game and it's supposed to be fun and people of all ages play this and what if I where to let my niece play and some (redacted) sent my account and angry message or went into voice chat to scream at her. Grow the hell up Crucible community. Just grow up! The truly trash players are the ones yelling obscenities at children, not the kids trying to have fun. So to my fellow adult Crucible fans the next time you think about going into game chat to yell or the next time your about to spam hatemail to an account just remember that could be some ones 11 year old and you may be about to Ruin her day.
It's a game have fun, don't act like a (redacted)!
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