[quote]So Lee later found himself at the edge of the world, staring into the void. Staring deeply. "Funny people to think that people actually fear some of the users in this land. No one will be ever as powerful they want to be or seem. Something is coming, and I'm the only one cursed with that knowledge. I'll try my best to protect this place, but I can't be the only one." Lee glances over to gunshot wounds. "Damn, I should probably put some alcohol or something on this."[/quote]
Toaster: *sneaks up from behind and tackles Lee into the void taking himself with him*
Lee: Really? I don't have time for this right now!
*Lee tried shocking the toaster with his lightning, but no avail. So he tried his revolvers, but nothing scratched him*
*they were nearing the whispy smoke that covered the void*
Lee: But wait, if you're a hologram, how are you touching me?
Toaster: [b][u]NOOOOOO[/u][/b]
*the hologram disappeared from the abyss by logic*
*Lee flinched hard preparing to hit a weird purple astroid that he saw below but his fall was stopped by the voids odd gavitational pull*
*He looked around at the dark abyss and heard some giggles from behind a rock on the asteroid he was on*
Lee: Who's there?
*Lee pulled out his revolvers and looked behind the rock"
Toaster: Hi.
Lee: What in the world are you doing here?
Toaster: I fell off the divide, I wanted some company so I sent one of my holograms to get you down here.
*Lee sighs, and flicks toaster to make sure he's real*
Toaster: [b][u]HOW DARE YOU[/u][/b]
*spurts little flame of atomic fire at Lee's foot*
Lee: This is great, I've never seen you without something elevating you. You're so petite!
Toaster: And you're just a mother *bleeps for 15 seconds straight*
Lee: Woah watch your language buddy.
*a dark ominous figure appears out of bright purple aura*
Lee: Alright, who's there *draws revolvers*
LordGraviton: Who dare curses on my land...?
*Toaster points at Lee with his plug*
Lee: -blam!-
LordGraviton: You must come with me. And the toaster too for being a snitch.
Lee: Yeah, we just want to get out of here. Is that where you're taking us?
LordGraviton: No, you're coming to my asylum where you shall be locked up for eternity.
Toaster: Wow that's a long period of time
Lee: Yeah I'd rather not *pulls out revolver and hits a perfect headshot but whizzes through him*
LordGraviton: I am a mere whisper, I gave myself to the void and in return I got this power
*Chains Lee and Toaster drags them through a portal*
*Toaster screams but manages to get a rock and sneak it into his toasting slot*
*Lee's pissed because he's not in the mood for this*
[quote]They were brought to the asylum and put in a cell with a strange man that hid in the shadows[/quote]
Toaster: who the -blam!- are you
SpeakerOfTheDeep: Nice to *burp* meet you too...
[spoiler]if I messed up your *lore* sorry I was bored[/spoiler]
Voyage beyond the void and you’ll find the outlands. In the outlands, you’ll find a burrito shop. In that burrito shop, it contains burritos and some of the most highly sought things in offtopica, including Toaster’s launch codes.
Editado por TheRicksta619: 2/14/2019 1:46:29 AMIf you want to look at the prequel, check this post out under Lee (btw thats really -blam!-in cool you made a lore out of that)
Wonder who is going in to it next
The only thing I would like to point out is that I have quite a few Toaster units at my disposal and that one you're with is a faulty early model.
Cool. I like it
I liked it in my special asylum, they gave this white coat that let me hug myself.
The Void IS the Void IS [spoiler]ALIVE[/spoiler]
Interesting read, you got quite the rep buildin
[quote]This is funny. I still don't like script writing. But this is funny. [/quote] ^Wyoming