Reckoning Rewards Should be Increased The More Difficult The Modifiers
While it would be nice I'm not looking for guaranteed drop, [b]I'd just like to have a reason to look forward to hard modifiers[/b]. So, let's take a look at the possible modifiers with my ordering of easiest to hardest:
Positive: Heavyweight, Grenadier, Brawler
Negative: Prism, Attrition, Blackout
As it stands, given the choice, there's no reason to pick anything other than Heavyweight+Prism. In practice this just leads to Reckoning feeling like too much work for too little of a reward without at least one of the "easy" modifiers active and a slog if both are inactive.
Someone that just did 7 rounds of Reckoning on Grenadier+Blackout with 3 of those just looking for a good team
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