Luna's and NF Nerf - Good or Bad? Possible Alternatives.
Okay so before we get started, I have seen a lot of these posts getting locked due to toxic behavior. Let's not be like that. Keep it clean people. This is gonna be a long one.
Currently, on console the only consistent hand cannons are in the precision frame archetype. They are the only hand cannons without bloom, and they have in air accuracy and good stability on top of that. Other HCs have none of these benefits. This archetype has the greatest ease of use and consistency, but has a rather slow TTK. Honestly, the archetype itself is fairly well balanced in that aspect. However, Luna's and NF break that archetype and create a gun that has high stability, high recoil direction, perfect in air accuracy, great aim assist, great range, and a level of lethality that can only be matched by TLW.
So, as a NF owner on console myself, I personally think that these guns needed some change. I'm not sure if the change that we are getting is the best one though. It certainly does have its merits though. Making the gun fire at 150 RPM as a precision frame brings it's TTK in line with other hand cannons, and it'll have the added benefit of being able to 2 crit 1 body, having perfect in air accuracy, and it'll have the same recoil pattern. The gun will still be unique and powerful. Just, not as powerful as it is now.
As far as nerfs, that one makes sense. It gives a skilled hand behind Ace, Thorn, or maybe even a Better Devils a much larger chance of winning the 1v1.
However, the Magnificent Howl nerf the guns are also getting is a little bit of an issue for me. The nerf prevents 2 taps from ever happening, which is a good thing if you ask me. People who say they're rare never made the conscious decision to chase after them. They're fairly easy to do in QP. What the nerf also does is destroy its PvE potential. Right now it can out out fairly high DPS against big targets as a primary, so to see that destroyed is disappointing.
Currently in the Crucible on Console, these are the only guns that exist, along with their partners in crime, AKA Wardcliff and Dust Rock. This meta is incredibly effective.
Casual players that are just trying to have fun typically can't. And then they go in to comp to get these weapons, only to get killed by gatekeepers using these weapons. I didn't see a single Luna until I passed 2100 Glory on my grind and I didn't see an NFs until I hot Mythic, and yet these players are finding a NF man at 800 Glory just farming kills. Or worse, they find a NF 4 stack. At that point the guns become more trouble than they're worth, so they just leave PvP. That is not a healthy environment these guns are promoting.
I want to run fun loadouts and do weird shenanigans in the Crucible. Think I care about dropping a 0.4 KDA? I don't. Because at the end of the day, myself and many others want to have fun in the Crucible. And that is so dang hard to do in this meta.
With all this being said, some form of adjustment was necessary. The current adjustment will work fairly well. However, it has some drawbacks and with drawbacks comes the question of: Is this the best solution?
I'll post some alternatives here. Everyone discuss what you think.
Possible Alternatives:
1. Buff the stability and reduce bloom of other hand cannons on console/controller. This will make more hand cannons feel consistently lethal, maybe making a nerf less needed for these pinnacle weapons.
2. Reduce the aim assist and stability on Luna's and NF while making Magnificent Howl only activate on precision hits. Also, deactivate the perk if a second target is hit. This will both prevent two taps while actually providing a small skill gap to the weapons, considering how easy they are to use now. If this is still found to be overly powerful, reduce the fire rate to 150 RPM.
3. Make them exotic. This might actually force some loadout variability. It would be nice to see that at least.
The list could go on. Post your ideas below. These are just the most prominate three I have seem.
I feel like all these solutions have their merits, just as well as Bungie's current solution does. I'm personally for a mix of options 1 and 2. We have to compromise somewhere and buff where we can, but nerf where we must.
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