Anyone run into Shin Malphur? He doesn’t like getting bagged in Crucible.
Didn’t think the “Man With the Golden Gun” would talk so harshly about players who bag when they win. I mean, I gotta rub those sweaty things in his face when he’s been killing all of our fellow Guardians out there. Never got so much hate in my life, so I better watch my back. I’m next on his hit list. Wish me luck!
Edit: In all seriousness, there is a player out there with a variation of Shin Malphur in his name, but do be cautious. Obviously can’t take a loss like a champ, even more so when you rub it in his face. I’ve reported this player for harassment and hate speech and hopefully the ban hammer comes his way. If you see a player with a name like his, and he sends you the message to “mock” you, then you know what to do. Sucks I can’t post his actual name, but whatever!
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