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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
6/26/2019 9:55:16 PM

Fixes/Changes To Address.

None of what's listed here will be necessarily "Game Breaking," or "Game Changing," but they are things that it would be nice to see addressed. 1.) Baryon Boughs. - I'm sitting on (this is not an exaggeration, this is literal) nearly 4,000 Baryon Boughs, and I have virtually no use for them. It'd be nice to see them incorporated into the games economy a bit more. Let me sell them to Petra or The Spider for Enhancement Cores, or Legendary Shards, or something to that extent. Let me trade in 50 at a time to be given a random bounty from Petra with a chance of powerful gear. Again, just SOMETHING to use them on would be great. 2.) Enhancement Cores. - Yes, Banshee's bounties do offer a nice little boost to getting enhancement cores, but to be honest they still just feel like such a pain in the arse to keep collecting. Add them to the loot-pool for Heroic Strikes, or for Nightfalls. Or just lock them at 20 Legendary Shards a piece in the Spiders inventory and be done with it. No need to double it every time we buy one. Just something to make them a little less of an eye-rolling commodity to hunt for. 3.) Hit Detection on the Titan Shoulder Charge. - I can't tell you how many times (in PvE AND PvP) that I've literally made physical contact with an enemy while shoulder-charging--Enough physical contact to bump/boop them off their current path of movement--Only for them to take 0 damage as a result. This is something that really needs to be re-examined, even if it's just in PvE settings. I get that people cry and complain about Shoulder Charge in the Crucible, but at least in Open-World, it shouldn't be happening that way. 4.) Mercury is boring. - There, I said it. Mercury is just boring, and dull. And tedious. Even the Infinite Forest (when it's not Festival of the Lost, or events like that) is boring and tedious to navigate through. Honestly, what are the average numbers of players per week that visit Mercury? I'm willing to bet it's the least played Patrol Area in the game. Maybe allow us to use the Infinite Forest similarly to how we used it during Festival of the Lost, on a normal basis? Weekly events? Or something similar to how you can modify/change things to your own desired settings in a Nightfall? It just seems like a shame that an entire 1/8th of the games Patrol-Areas is going to utter waste, you know? That's about all I've got for the time being. Feel free to add more suggestions below.

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