I think it's nice idea to put in and some [b]different outfits[/b] in the game ( new fresh beginning in New Light or later ) let's say some from modern military [u]( with little bit visual upgrade in the style of destniy )[/u] if you ask why modern military on the end "You are a Guardian of the last city on Earth" and with some history for them like - old fashioned legendary outfit and gear used in lets say the grat world war 3095 ..... before traveler ..... there some big possibility for developing from creative team and many of the players will be nice surprised :) .
[i][b][u]I'm not search for any profit with this i write here[/u][/b] i hope i will be least heard from somebody - BUNGIE / MENTOR or NINJA and get some respond and really want to help the game to be more flexible in future thus will attract bigger attention and more players will come :) .[/i]
My english is not good and i use google translator constantly otherwise even i will not understand myself what write .
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