Nova warp needs to be able to one shot supers with the charged blast again. Nova warp is not able to compete with other supers. Every other super can either one shot it (burning maul, fists of havoc, nova bomb, thundercrash, blade barrage, chaos reach, tethers(don't one shot but disable)), attack fast enough it can't get off two blasts (arcstrider, spectral blades, stormtrance), or attacks from range that it can't reach (dawnblade, golden gun, hammers of sol). Nova warp literally cannot compete with any of those unless it gets close and manages to get off two charged bursts. Which never happens. So it needs to be able to one shot supers again. When it first came around it was broken. What needed to be fixed was duration and range. It was then needed beyond that. If anyone wants to argue that is too much with the handheld supernova, titans have shoulder charge, and hunters have stupid mobility and jumps to dodge everything. Warlocks literally only have that one thing on that one subclass yay can one shot.
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