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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por HolyRoller1313: 10/14/2019 3:29:32 AM

Darkness Theory (Spoilers)

I posted this in the comments of a Timbo video, and figured I’d share it here too: If you’d like to hear, this is my theory. In the newest lore book gotten with the message from the Unknown Artifact, the first card talks about how essentially things are all screwed up. How we prefer life over death often times, and how only things that must exist SHOULD exist. About the abomination of a world without the ability to even prefer one over the other. I believe the Darkness is trying to clean up the Traveler’s mess. Think about it. Wherever it goes, it grant blessing and power beyond comprehension. Acceleration the natural progression of worlds and species of these worlds. Defying the laws of certain planets to make them habitable. The Risen, or Guardians, are not natural. They were raised from the dead, memory wiped, so they could fight a war of unknown context while being blinded by the Light they hold so close. They didn’t get to choose whether or not they would come back. They were forced, and now even still they don’t really get the choice. Yes they could try to kill their ghost with a round from a weapon of sorrow, but how many would actually choose that? They have this unnatural immortality, and they’d rather keep it. That is why the Darkness is coming. To correct the natural order. Now some might ask why they came before there were Guardians. Well even then, the entire civilization was advancing at a highly accelerated rate. Humans were living lifetimes at least triple why was natural at the time. They shouldn’t have had that. Yet. Humanity shouldn’t had a chance to grow on their own. Instead they were blinded by that Sphere of Light in the sky, and depended on it. Such things come from unnatural growth. They may not have been able to survive on their own at that point. This “blessing” was unfair to Humanity, and blatantly mocked the Balance of the Universe. The Darkness corrects these things, and unfortunately with that, there are casualties. Just like with the Whirlwind and the Eliksni. They are a prime example of what civilization looks like if one can actually manage to survive a collapse. What should be alive and what shouldn’t? Humans at the time of the Collapse of the Golden Age advanced far beyond their maturity as a species. And now the Traveler has mocked life and brought back the dead. I for one understand the motives of the Darkness, and I kind of agree with them. They wouldn’t have even shown up at Earth if not for the meddling of the Traveler. They seek to free humanity from the blindfolds the Traveler places upon them. They seek to right the wrongs. It’s funny because the Darkness, while capable of cataclysmic destruction, She promotes so much life. (I say she because I believe the statue on the Pyramid is a representation of the being who IS the Darkness) and natural life at that. And the Traveler promotes so much death, and mocks the balance. Anyways, that’s my theory on what’s happening. It also reminds my of the Greek legends about Nemesis and Tykhe. Nemesis would have to correct these favors and blessings granted by Tykhe to mortals, and was thus seems us a Goddess of punishment, though it wasn’t the case . Balance. That Was Nemesis’s philosophy. If a mortal had too much fortune, Nemesis would be the one to tip the scale. If there was never sorrow, or what humanity would call “suffering,” one could never learn or grow on their own. They would have attained an undeserved goal and that honestly just isn’t fair or right. She was also known to grant blessings to those who she deemed worthy, those who had taken their pain and learned from it in order to grow and become. Gnosticism and Ancient Greek beliefs seem to be very prevalent themes at Destiny’s core. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoyed my little rant. Have a great day! P.S. I’m 100% siding with the Darkness. EDIT 1: Added tags EDIT 2: Formatting

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  • Editado por Grays_KS27: 10/14/2019 8:21:04 PM
    Cool. I disagree though, slightly. The Darkness and its agents have told us many many times that its goal is to kill everything. Several times the Darkness has told us that it is going to kill everything, and that by killing everything it will “end all suffering.” It tells us “those who do not exist cannot suffer” When the Darkness says it’s our “salvation,” it is literally telling us “I’ll save you from suffering by killing you. Yay!” We know less about the Traveler’s motives, but the Darkness speaking of the Traveler, some things the Worm Gods day about the Traveler, and the Traveler’s actions suggest that it’s simply the opposite of the Darkness, wanting to stop death. So both sides are opposites (seriously guys, Ulan-Tan was always right), and I think neither side is right. So…I’m siding with the Vex. #Convergence #VexMilk #Dubstep #GetRektCrota #F**kLinearTime #YouWantYourArmBackAsherComeGetItLmao

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    • I like this theory. Adds new weight to the Salvation line.

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