Nova warp is so bad now. It could be outran, even with the teleport it's hard to impossible to catch up because of how long it takes to charge up and then it slows you down. ALSO, it was easy enough to outplay before shadowkeep but now it's EVEN easier to outplay since supers got a damage reduction which makes the super SO much worse.
The only thing good about the subclass is handheld which is beautiful
It needs a buff
Bring it back to how it was when it came out or give it a movement buff
Would be nice of you could 1 shot supers too because it's way too hard to kill other supers compared to other supers. Having to charge up to slow blast when an arc strider can swipe 2 times so quickly, or spectral, sentinel, dawnblade, and hammers.
Basically all supers could easily get two hits off, but nova usually is only able to only get one blast off
Easiest super to out play
THANK YOU for your time for reading it and I hope you understand why I'm saying these things and hopefully we could do something about it
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