Seraph rounds should function as anti-barrier rounds
I think seraph rounds should function as anti-barrier rounds.
Seraph rounds can overpen regular ads, allowing you to clear a line of them by only shooting at first one in the line. However seraph rounds are unable to penetrate barrier champions' and hobgoblins' shields, unlike anti-barrier rounds. As anti-barrier rounds can be obtained by progressing through the seasonal artifact, everyone can equip a weapon with anti-barrier rounds, leaving the Ikelos weapons (except for the shotgun) with about as little purpose compared to other weapons as before. I'm not saying they're bad weapons, but by making the seraph rounds perk function as anti-barrier, the weapons will have a new purpose.
While on the topic of seraph rounds, Ikelos weapons and overpen, maybe Sleeper Simulant should have anti-barrier rounds as well.
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