Antaeus Wards will often cause you to misadventure via supposedly reflected bullets/projectiles. Additionally, the perk description is inaccurate to how it works in-game.
The following clips are not my own.
See to [url=]this clip[/url] for an example of aforementioned misadventure seemingly via an odd interaction with a reflected fusion bolt barrage. No one gets kill credit here.
In [url=]this clip[/url] I suspect that given the Titan's "Iron Burden" debuff a few bullets were enough to put them down, however just as in the above clip, it's listed as a misadventure, and no one gets kill credit.
Another example [url=]here[/url], where presumably somebody shot them from an unseen angle with something high-power, and it resulted in another "misadventure", no kill credit.
On another note, the perk from the boots read as "Improved slide. Sliding reflects incoming projectiles. Reflecting projectiles grant super energy" however as we can see [url=]in this clip[/url] the Titan still takes a fair bit of damage from the reflected sniper shot, which is not mentioned at all in the perk description, an addition of "Limited effectiveness when reflecting high-damage bullets" might be warranted.
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