[spoiler]This is abbreviated because I lost my original version of this post yesterday...*Exasperated sigh.*[/spoiler]
All the praise it gets from people who played it when it came out is spot on, it really is that good.
There's more weapons and armor in the game.
More skills.
More cities, and the big ones are larger and open air.
There's no fast travel (outside taking an in-game travel service), which I understand would be a detriment to some, but I personally enjoy it for a change.
Skills feel even more meaningful for the most part.
Vvardenfell (the main location. I haven't gotten to dlc yet.) is visually genius and really cool.
And the Factions are fun to work your way up in. There's also about twice as many of them than in the two games after it. Joining one can inevitably force you not to join another, which is something I had thought would have been nice in Skyrim and Oblivion.
The skinny: Morrowind very good, go buy.
I read that the Elder Scrolls VI will be released in 2025. I want to die.
I literally started a new character on it last night.
It was ok at best for me. I might give it a go at some point with the OpenMW engine and some mods.
Editado por CoolHandLuke04: 3/9/2020 1:08:54 PM[quote]The skinny: Morrowind very good, go buy. [/quote] Great Scott, Ring! You’ve successfully transmitted this message to my subconscious in 2001! I then took the necessary preparations by mowing several lawns, stretching barbed wire and driving fence post, and bailing hay to gather enough greenbacks to pay for that game when it came out on May 1st, 2002! Well done Mart.....I mean Ringleader!
I really should pick it up one of these days.
I could not agree more. The sheer size and scope of the world, quests, gear, and secrets was enough to keep me playing for years. Also, the attention to little things, like how there are ash piles scattered around dwemer ruins as if to suggest the people were burned in and instant. It was a really cool touch in my mind.
Eh...while I would, Nerevar Rising’s been confirmed so...
Well you obviously haven’t ran into any cliff racers yet.
Maybe[spoiler]Maybe not[/spoiler]
JuST liKe DArk sOUls
Editado por Caggus: 3/8/2020 4:24:15 PMI think the lack of Fast Travel and map markers make it more fun as a game, you don’t get to fly around everywhere and have to interact with whatever the world throws at you on the way to your destination with only a couple of directions given to you by someone. The character models are god awful though, it hasn’t aged well in that regard.