Just letting you know Bungie that you have me for one more season then I am done with Destiny 2. It's a bit of everything, the community on doing raids, people being afk and holding up strikes, glacial loading times between maps and activities, nothing being done about service sellers, and the size and time it takes to update Destiny 2 whenever there's an update. The thing that pushed me over the edge though was when Fear on Missing Out became Frustrated over Missing Out. I missed most of the Guardian Games, so I missed most of the triumphs and rewards associated with the event. I'm also not a fan of the seasonal nature that seals are now becoming as well, especially with Trials and Grandmaster seals, because if you're keeping the activities around in the future then why are you making their seals only obtainable this season? If it's because they're going to have new seals in the following seasons, even with new triumph goals associated with them, it still doesn't wholly make sense to me.
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