Countless times I have been disconnected from my fireteam during or before a comp match. 1: Why does being disconnected count as a loss? 2: Why can't I rejoin my fireteam? 3: Why do I get scolded from Shaxx and sometimes SUSPENDED from comp for "Leaving before the match ended"?
Can you PLEASE fix these things? OR AT LEAST ADDRESS THEM? It's extremely discouraging when all you want is a few more wins to get to Legend, and then you get disconnects multiple games in a row, setting you back a good 300 or so points.
Also, I understand you have said that you have been banning cheaters, but I can't tell you how many cheaters I still come across EVERY DAY. Is it just that you guys are slow to ban, or are these guys using cheats that your anticheat can't detect? Regardless, that's also very discouraging. Especially for someone who busts their butt to try and get better at the game and is always working to improve.
With all these disconnects and cheaters, it truly makes me question why the hell I bother trying. It doesn't matter how good of a player I am, because cheaters will almost ALWAYS win, and error codes sure as hell always win.
For the love of God, PLEASE actually do something about all of this. If you have already done something about this, then its clearly not working or at least as good as it should!
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