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6/13/2020 1:55:07 AM

Ps4 clan looking for girl gamer roaster only

Looking to recurring positive strong female gamers. To help build up the clan. Ans make it a big more of a mixed. Bag also I realize female gamers dont always wanna deal with guys. Help us help you. Build up your own squad . Eventually branch out from or clan and make a sister clan. We can combine forces through discord. If your about fun and respect. And community. No elitest bull crap. No carrys. No trash talk . This is the place for you. New and old alike The Roars Of dawn is open . Come join the pride. We have never missed a season never bot gotten a flag done. No rules other then respect. And putting in a little time every week to help build the flag up. Always active members. Always looking to grow a d build. We are also looking for admins and recruiters. People interested in building a community. Linking up with other clans. Making a discord. The issue with clans is activity. Buy by growing your clan and then linking up with sister clans the pool runs deeper. Anyone with interest hit me up. Also looking for female admin. To help diversify the clan. And get some female gamers in This is a clan for adults. People who respect one another's time . And opions. This is not a place to Brag about your k.d or question people load outs. This is not a grocery store we Do not carry you or your bags. You have to be willing to put in the work. No disrespect will be tolerated based on sex , race, age, or skill. That said we do like to laugh and joke but when on mission we stay on. Mission especially if you have asked for help. Looking to increase the existing roster to 50 with new or experienced gamers. We have playing since Destiny 1 launch. We participate in the following on a regular basis: - Strikes - Nightfalls (regular runs) - Raids (multiple fire teams) - Quests/ Adventures - Public Events/ Patrols - Crucible - Trials Our members tend to have full time jobs so the clan is casual/semi competitive and most active: - Weekdays (All Hours) - Weekends ( All Hours) If you can hold a controller, aim and shoot, then thats good enough for us! We're looking for personality and skill set. We'll help you to reach max light eventually. Requirements for joining: - Must be aged 21 and over. - A positive and friendly attitude (no rage quits). - A mic for Raids (if you're not very talkative thats fine - but raid communication is vital) - Be willing to help others on occasion How to Join: - Either click link above and apply - Like this post, post your PSN

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