[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=4283859]Empire of the Void[/url] is recruiting for newer players to be able to learn together and work towards higher level content. I have been running clans for 15+ years and with that experience comes the understanding of what my members need in order for them to grow for both casual and focused members. With this experience I also understand what regulations clans need in order to strive and continuously stay active.
-Must be in the discord server listings and register with [url=https://warmind.io/]Charlemagne[/url] (All can be done inside the server SUPER easily)
-Activity Interval: Every member must be active every 21 days. Those who are not will be removed and are more then welcome to request to join again at any time.
-Immunity: a program I host through all my clans to prevent punishment on those who have to deal with real life situations regarding the clans. Whether dealing with work, school or home, talking to a Admin or founder to be exempt from the activity interval is one way we can help lessen your stress.
-Discord "Nickname" (NOT USERNAME) must match your destiny ingame name to help provide convenience to all of us
-Create a map for every activity to wit help navigation and communication within a fire team lobby.
-Grow to be a reliable and steady place for players to enjoy themselves whether weekdays or weekends.
-To be self sufficient, independent and moreover a resource for the lfg groups in destiny 2's community rather then vice-versa
-Scheduled raids, crucibles, gambits among other activities with experienced players to learn how to participate in said activities.
-Theory crafting for builds and mechanics in-game.
-Help in completing goals/bounties and in-game quests or wherever you might be in need of assistance
Thanks for taking the time to hear me out about my ideas, if you are still interested in joining you can contact me here:
-[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=4283859]Clan Page[/url]
-Discord Username "Forsakenpenumbra#3318" (capitols matter)
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