It feels like Bungie dropped that bombshell of lore and never really did anything with it.
What we do know is that Shaxx did go deeper.
Obligatory cheesy joke: maybe in 6-9 months.
No, because it never existed. They were and always will be friends. Nothing more. Y’all are just horny teenagers who take anything they can get. Bonk. Go to horny jail.
Editado por AshenAstra: 8/18/2020 11:27:58 PMMara is actually probably Savathun in disguise. Shaxx had a wonderful time with the Witch Queen. It reminds me of the plot of Divinity 1 and "The Affair".
Mara stared at the Wall of Wishes. She had no more bargains to make. Her plans were in motion. There was nothing left but the wait. She pulled a sidearm from a hidden holster and cracked a dozen rounds into the Wall. The cosmic balance shifted. Somewhere in the Dreaming City, Riven heard the Queen's wish and a thousand shrieking tears in reality cut through the space in front of her. Lord Shaxx suddenly blocked Mara's view of the Wall. "—YES, AND WE'D ALL BE DEAD!" He was screaming at no one, with a mug of caffeine in his fist. He started, almost spilling his coffee. "Where are we?" Mara slapped the mug out of his hand. It shattered on the floor. She shoved a weathered book in his face. "I told you there would come a time when I collect for the Reef Wars. Read this. Out loud." "No one tells me what to do," he said, grabbing the book and incinerating it in a bolt of Striker lightning. "I can recite The Tempest by heart." And he did. Mara sat and listened. They stayed for a long time. The helmet stayed on. This is the lore card. At this time Queen Mara was preparing for the reef wars and needed help. We also know that at this time Mara was in a relationship with Sjur Eido. I could see how some of you would think that this meant shaxx and mara did the thing,however I dont think so.
[quote]Bungie dropped that bombshell of lore and never really did anything with it.[/quote] The entire Destiny lore in a nutshell, ladies and gents. A lot of crazy revelations and cool moments happening off screen while our Guardians are too busy throwing balls at towers and depositing relics.
Shaxx already went deep enough.
... Yes, I want gratuitous Awoken and British sex in our next expansion!... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Editado por SheCanSaveMe: 8/18/2020 5:47:31 PM-ғᴜᴄᴋ that, drifter and Eris are one hot couple rn 💕💦
Mmf, I hope I get to deeper into Mara~
Oh they go deep alright
I think he went deep enough don't you think.
Rule 34
No pun intended right?
- There's this, if it helps.
<What story? Mara was bored and wanted a shag before the Taken War happened. There's nothing more to it.>
Maybe in 9 months.
It was just a St. Valentine’s Day joke right? I can’t remember when they released the lore tab for it but I doubt it will be fleshed out (😏) any more than that. [spoiler]Sorry, all out of salt.[/spoiler]