I know the pandemic is going on, school just started (for some of you), and there’s a tense political climate...but how are you doing? (Yeah you!)
Edit: Wow nice instant downvote buddy, I appreciate your opinion even if you don’t have the guts to tell what it is. (;
[i]It still sucks. [/i]
Thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage.[spoiler]Anyone remember this meme/vine[/spoiler]
Global warming. Covid-19. A raving lunatic. The plot thickens and our future is uncertain. Will John save Marcia from the plague, or will she be consumed? Will Flash Gordon save the day, or will Emperor Ming reign triumphant? I cannot see beyond the fire and smoke and pestilence, but I fear that the worst is yet to come. Que organ music.
Physical school has been going well. Got a game this Thursday, so it’ll be the first time my marching band will play this year! Oh, and I broke my bass drum mallets!
Funny how posts like these make all those edgy teens crawl out the woodworks.
Finally working again, I’m on full-time now as opposed to the part-time I was doing last year.
The glass is half
[i] [/i]
I'm okay, I guess. Here's some text from the life of the person behind that name. I like having a conversation with people here, so maybe you care, maybe not. I've been dealing with some minor health and medium mental health issues. Still working on those. Otherwise... You know, I complain a lot about my life, privately. But when I compare it to some other stuff that's going on in the world, I know I'm really lucky. Still, I need to improve myself. My surroundings and circumstances might be a lot better compared to others, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't complain. My life is important, and if I'm not happy with it, I need to take that serious and care more about myself. Always take care of yourself, at least a tiny bit. After all you have to live with that life of yours. Other than that, yeah. I've been thinking about Death a lot lately. In general. And I'm not sure why. It just comes to my mind sometimes, and I've noticed that my life is surrounded by it a lot, and I guess everyone else's too. It kind of bugs me that Death is actually a common occurrence in video games, but we never really care or think much about it. I get FPS games might not be the best games to avoid killing stuff. But still, it's weird to me that we mindlessly end other creature's life's, without as much as a second thought. Is it actual "Self-Defense"? Why do we value our human lifes more than life's from other species? Why is there no other option? Considering the way we humans treat each other and everything else in general, I certainly don't see us at the "top of the chain". I might need to mention that I hate the thought of "human supremacy". Are we really more worth than anything else on this planet? Anyway. Just random thoughts, I guess. Most games are just not geared that way, to be able to avoid Death. And I get it. It's video games. It's made to have simple, mindless fun, not being philosophical about the endless cycle. Most of the time. I had some really good games actually having Death as a center topic. The Talos Principle is great. I still do "that business" (killing) every day in video games. But sometimes, it just bothers me that not more games feature a "peaceful" way. Shouldn't we work towards peace instead of violence? If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Most of you don't know my actual self, and it's probably better that way. I've been contemplating quite some time if I should actually post this. But I like to show that I'm just another person, with their own issues. If you're one of those people who constantly think and overthink everything, then you may understand one person on this planet a little more now. [spoiler]Disclaimer that these are my own words and thoughts and in no way represent anyone else other than me. [/spoiler] [spoiler] Fun Disclaimer that English isn't my first language. I've always find it funny that people mention this.[/spoiler]
I'm doing fine I guess, schools hard though
My conscious is bleak and my soul is irreparable. Im surviving with the intent to find meaning to my own life, but have found nothing. Still looking though and you should too.
Perpetual limbo.
My cat died, my PS4 died, and my job died. So no, not a happy camper.
Pretty good, thanks for asking.
It's going
Half glass full
Welp, ok I guess, thx for asking though
I'm just tired. That's all. I need to stop watching anime and go to bed more often, but I dont.
Editado por Unseelie Nil: 9/15/2020 1:15:59 AMGot a girlfriend, playing D&D again at least once a week, and my mom has been doing a terrible job at keeping my surprise birthday party a secret. It's gonna be a D&D one shot with my mother, some friends and family, and DM'd by her Pastor who is actually a huge nerd. It'll be at the church so I may burst into flames and die again. So despite everything being utterly shit I'm fine, thanks.
Meh, absolutely nothing happening...
Decent. Just met up with some of my old friends, so that was fun. I'm at that point in my life where I'm looking forward with both trepidation and hope...
Wondering if human society is worth it. We parade around, being cruel and mindless, too immersed in our politics as our planet spirals ever closer toward destruction. And I’m supposed to just Deal With It, go to work, provide and care for my family and pay my bills/rent/taxes as if this whole thing won’t come crashing down. If I wrote a book about 2020 I’d call it Dancing On Ashes. But...*sips coffee* what can I do? The machine rolls on.
Peachy my good flibbert. [spoiler] HAIL HYDRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/spoiler]
Editado por Fate: 9/15/2020 3:06:29 AMStill doing the cog in the machine routine Get up , go to work , come home feeling like I’m a inch from dying from exhaustion My job is so draining by the time I arrive home my energy is on Empty and I’m running on fumes I would love a week where I can just sleep the entire time In fact today I felt like going to sleep for a few thousand years Don’t disturb me sleep is the best part of the day :) I hate being awake I would rather sleep 24/7 I work at a warehouse but they love making me work extra the price I pay for being a hard worker Maybe I should just start slacking off lol