After the update and still now in there is an issue that renders The Long Goodbye sniper rifle unusable:
When ADS the reflection that is supposed to be projected on the scope while it is on the hip is instead put right between your eye and the scope, and since the reflection is green, [u]the thing results in a green shadow all across the sight when aiming[/u]. This effect is always present everywhere and at any time.
Here is a clear example:
Hip - [url][/url]
ADS - [url][/url]
You can see the scope pattern from the hip matching the one occluding the scope...
I know this is a sunsetted weapon, but it is still in the game, I love using it, and I really hope it doesn't get discarded or forgotten, however in the current state I can't use it anymore in the crucible! It's an extremely easy fix and I bet it wouldn't cost Bungie anything to fix it.
[b]Please this post must get to them, since now the weapon is really rarely used, and nobody would notice if we don't report it![/b]
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